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    IJC Operational Update, July 5



    Courtesy Story

    ISAF Joint Command

    KABUL, Afghanistan - An Afghan-international security force detained two suspected insurgents in Logar province last night while pursuing a Taliban commander suspected to be involved in a mortar attack on an ISAF forward operating base yesterday.

    The combined security force went to a compound north of the village of Aladad Kheyl, Baraki Barak district, after Afghan forces used a loudspeaker to call for the occupants to exit the buildings. Two individuals attempted to escape the compound but were caught and detained by the security force.

    The security force also found and destroyed a significant amount of improvised explosive device material including home-made explosives, pressure plates and command detonation wires. They also found pictures and a video labeled "jihad."

    No shots were fired, and women and children were protected by the combined security force.

    ISAF and Afghan officials have confirmed that an Afghan and international security force captured a Taliban commander responsible for several IED attacks, ambushes, and kidnapping operations throughout the Aynak area.

    The commander, suspected of facilitating weapons and suicide bombers for the Taliban, was captured along with a number of suspected insurgents by a combined security force in a compound outside Lashkar Gah, Helmand province yesterday.

    This report is an update to a report in yesterday's IJC Operational Update.

    An Afghan-led security force detained a number of suspected Taliban fighters and destroyed two IEDs on a foot-path frequented by local villagers during a recent two-day operation aimed at disrupting the enemy in what was historically a Taliban safe haven used to stage attacks into Kandahar City.

    The majority of the forces participating in the operation were Afghan National Security Force soldiers, who led the clearance of several compounds on the outskirts of Talukan village in the Zharay District.

    Since May, security forces have conducted several clearing operations within Kandahar province and captured a large number of suspected insurgents, including multiple Taliban leaders.

    In June, insurgents engaged a combined Afghan-international force several times during a three-day clearing operation in neighboring Panjwa'i district. The security force responded killing and capturing a large number insurgents. During the operation the security force discovered and destroyed a house-borne IED, an IED-making facility with IED materials, including jugs of home-made explosives, 230 kilograms of opium, automatic weapons and rocket propelled grenade launchers with rounds.

    Taliban fighters are believed to be posturing to disrupt improved security initiatives by the ANSF and international forces.

    In another update to a story in yesterday's IJC Operational Update, it has been confirmed that an Afghan-international security force captured a Haqqani weapons facilitator along with two suspected insurgents in Khost province yesterday. The Haqqani facilitator also led IED attacks against coalition forces, and was captured in a compound east of Bazar, Khost.

    The Haqqani Network is attempting to establish strongholds within the Khost-Gardez pass, which runs through the Hindu Kush Mountains of Paktiya and Khost provinces. It is a favored place for insurgent groups to move supplies and foreign fighters from Pakistan into Afghanistan.


    Date Taken: 07.05.2010
    Date Posted: 07.05.2010 03:20
    Story ID: 52383
    Location: KABUL, AF

    Web Views: 243
    Downloads: 224