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    Afghans take over security responsibility in Badakhshan province



    Courtesy Story

    ISAF Regional Command North

    Story by:
    German Army Hauptmann Christoph Zlobinski

    FEYZABAD, Afghanistan - During an official ceremony in Faizabad Jan. 24, NATO handed over security responsibility in the districts Sha-e Buzurg, Yaftal-e Sufla, Arghanj, Baharak, Tashkan, Kishim, Argo, the capital Faizabad, and all parts of Badakhshan province to Afghan National Security Forces.

    In his speech, the German Ambassador to Afghanistan Rüdiger König said, “It was a long way and hard work, but everybody can be proud of all the things that we have achieved. Taking over security is a further step on the way to a sovereign Afghanistan.”

    The symbolic handover ceremony was marked by a military ceremony with members of ANSF and ISAF in which the Afghan flag was raised, while the German flag was lowered by Director Security of Provincial Reconstruction Team Faizabad, Col. Peter Utsch. Dr. Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai, head of the Afghan Transition Coordination Commission said, “It is a historic day for all people in Badakhshan and for all of Afghanistan.”

    The entire event is part of the transition process that involves the ANSF working together with ISAF, shoulder to shoulder in building a stable, peaceful and more prosperous future for the area.

    “Transition” is a condition-based, enduring process by which ISAF supports Afghan authorities to enable them to take lead responsibility for their own security.

    Within the RC-North area of responsibility, the eight districts situated in the province of Badakhshan, are part of the second tranche of the transition process led by the government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and supported by ISAF.


    Date Taken: 01.24.2012
    Date Posted: 01.24.2012 23:06
    Story ID: 82790
    Location: FEYZABAD, AF

    Web Views: 1,355
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