Repelling at Camp Buehring 04.09.2022 | Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Ramon Delgado CPL Macias, Karla from the 295th Ordinance Co. Stands in L shape before doing her first bound of the tower. Repelling Training Given on April 9th...
Soldier's Story 03.31.2022 | Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Ramon Delgado Ssg. Armstrong standing in front of reconstructed Sheraton Hotel in Kuwait City in March 2022
Sling Load Training 02.26.2022 | Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Ramon Delgado Spc. Aliah Rodriquez holds a grounding rod while Pfc. Randy Sanchez hooks up ropes to a CH-47 Chinook helicopter assigned to 1st Combat Aviation...
Sling Load Training 02.26.2022 | Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Ramon Delgado SPC Rodriquez prepares for the hookup of M1101 High Mobility Trailer to CH47 Chinook assigned to 1st Combat Aviation Brigade during a Joint sling...
ACFT at Camp Buehring 01.08.2022 | Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Ramon Delgado SSG Alford, Trinesha, stands ready to grade Soldiers from the 389th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion as they prepare to perform the sprint,...
BLC Graduation Feb. 20, 2020 02.20.2020 | Photo by Sgt. Anthony Steglik Spc. Scott Pagurek, 152nd Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 77th Sustainment Brigade, graduates the Basic Leader Course (BLC) at Camp...
Maj. Skelton Promotion 02.17.2020 | Photo by Spc. Heather Theis Lt. Col. David Moore, commander, 152nd Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, stands with newly promoted Maj. Waylon Skelton at Camp Taji, Iraq,...
Prokop Promotion 02.08.2020 | Photo by Spc. Heather Theis Cpt. Richard Bauman, commander Headquarters and Headquarter Company, 152nd Combat Sustainment Support Company (CSSB), promotes Sgt. Evan Prokop of...
Liberty Minute Episode 26 β Martin Luther King Jr. Day 01.20.2020 | Video by Sgt. 1st Class David Clemenko On January 20, 2020 Soldiers at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait celebrated the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. with a 5K Run/Walk. Soldiers shared...
Liberty Minute Episode 25 β Congressional Visit 12.24.2019 | Video by Sgt. 1st Class David Clemenko On December 23, 2019 the 77th Sustainment Brigade hosted a congressional delegation at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait. Representatives from New York, Rhode...
Spotlight Interview β Archbishop for the Military... 12.23.2019 | Video by Sgt. 1st Class David Clemenko On Monday, December 23, 2019 Soldiers had a special visitor at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait. The Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio held a holiday mass and...
Spreading Holiday Cheer while Deployed 12.23.2019 | Video by Sgt. Anthony Steglik How do soldiers get into the holiday spirit while deployed? Giving gifts and making decorations from scratch are some ways that our Liberty...
152nd CSSB 12.21.2019 | Video by Spc. Heather Theis Lt. Col. David I. Moore, commander, and Command Sgt. Maj. Eric R. Jennings, senior enlisted advisor, 152nd Combat Sustainment Support Battalion...
Jingle Bell Run with the 77th Sustainment Brigade 12.21.2019 | Video by Sgt. 1st Class David Clemenko hundreds of Soldiers from the 1st Theater Sustainment Command and all the down-trace units to include the 77th Sustainment brigade, gathered to...
Chief of the Army Reserve visits Soldiers from the... 12.18.2019 | Video by Sgt. 1st Class David Clemenko Lt. Gen. Charles D. Luckey, chief and commanding general, U.S. Army Reserve Command visited 77th Sustainment Brigade Soldiers at Camp Arifjan,...
Holiday Messages Home - 152nd Combat Sustainment... 12.18.2019 | Video by Sgt. 1st Class David Clemenko Holiday Shout Outs with the 152nd Combat Sustainment Support Battalion deployed to Camp Taji, Iraq in support of Operation Spartan Shield. The...
A soldier's Story 04.28.2022 | Story by Sgt. 1st Class Ramon Delgado Soldier deploys to Kuwait 31 years after Desert storm.
The role of a liaison officer 09.27.2019 | Story by Spc. Anthony Steglik Many times, it will take collaboration from multiple units, organizations or assets to accomplish a mission. This could be a daunting task of...
Aerial Delivery Validation 08.19.2019 | Story by Spc. Quontel Prince CAMP BUEHRING, Kuwait β Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 129th Support Battalion, Task Force Hammer, executed an aerial delivery training...
Medical workshop focuses on partnership and... 07.31.2019 | Story by Staff Sgt. David Clemenko CAMP ARIFJAN, Kuwait β Soldiers from the 77th Sustainment Brigade participated in a medical workshop to help teach the Kuwaiti Land Forces basic...
Brothers Bond on Deployment 07.30.2019 | Story by Spc. Anthony Steglik CAMP ARIFJAN, Kuwait β English journalist G.K. Charleston once wrote βThe true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him,...
Riggers are the Foundation for Every Parachute in... 07.25.2019 | Story by Staff Sgt. David Clemenko Behind every military aerial delivery is a highly skilled group that meticulously prepare the chutes and the packages that seem to fall...
Unit Focuses on Being Agile, Efficient to Sustain... 07.13.2019 | Story by Staff Sgt. David Clemenko Story by U.S. Army Staff Sgt. David Clemenko and Capt. Christian Turley CAMP BUHERING, Kuwait β U.S. Army Sustainment Soldiers supporting...
Medics Increase Readiness With Blood Screening Drives 07.10.2019 | Story by Staff Sgt. David Clemenko CAMP ARIFJAN, Kuwait β On the morning of July 10, 2019, Soldiers from the 349th Combat Support Hospital (CSH) began setting up their equipment...
1st Lt. Welander 06.28.2011 | Courtesy Audio 1st Lt. Welander talks to a Minnesota News Network reporter about his responsibilities and deployment in Iraq
Lt. Col. Billie Cook 05.30.2011 | Courtesy Audio Lt. Col. Billie Cook from New York, N.Y. talks to a WOR AM reporter in New York about Memorial Day, how the morale is in his unit, military...
Lt. Col. Ealy 05.20.2011 | Audio by Sgt. Allyson Parla Lt. Col. Ealy, talks to a Boston Globe reporter about communicating with the Battalion's at the Sustainment Brigade level, the Central, Receiving,...
Col. Stephen Falcone 03.30.2011 | Courtesy Audio Talks to a WRFX reporter in Kannapolis, N.C., about commanding the 77th Sustainment Brigade, helping the Iraqi people and finishing the mission....