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    Iraqi Soldiers Show Their Skills

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    B-roll of the 17th Iraqi Army Division put on a show in Southern Baghdad, Iraq for other members of the Iraqi Security Forces and for U.S. Troops. The show involved Iraqi Commandos performing an Air Assault on an objective, Iraqi helicopter teams performing Downed Pilot Exercises, and Iraqi mortar teams firing mortars, the show was completely put together by the 17th Iraqi Army Division to show they can work independently from their U.S. Partners. Sound bite includes Capt. Daniel LaBar -Task Force 2-7 Fire Support Officer. Produced by Spc. Benjamin Wise.


    Date Taken: 10.30.2010
    Date Posted: 12.02.2010 04:14
    Category: B-Roll
    Video ID: 101874
    VIRIN: 101130-A-2698W-001
    Filename: DOD_100103036
    Length: 00:07:55
    Location: BAGHDAD, IQ

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