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    Fort Meade Declassified Ep. 18: The Community Ambassador Program and the O's

    Fort Meade Declassified Ep. 18: The Community Ambassador Program and the O's

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    Audio by Sherry Kuiper 

    Fort George G. Meade Public Affairs

    Learn about the Community Ambassador Program here at the fort and how post residents can get involved. We are also talking baseball! We chat with the Baltimore Orioles and find out how they are connecting with fans and the community during the pandemic and a very short baseball season!


    Date Taken: 10.06.2020
    Date Posted: 10.21.2020 12:29
    Category: Newscasts
    Audio ID: 64338
    Filename: 2010/DOD_108013316.mp3
    Length: 00:31:45
    Album Fort Meade Declassified
    Track # 18
    Year 2020
    Genre Podcast
    Location: MARYLAND, US

    Web Views: 3
    Downloads: 0
    High-Res. Downloads: 0