Audio by Lance Cpl. Brian Bolin Jr. | AFN - Iwakuni | 07.28.2023
A 30-second radio spot production featuring the voice of U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Brian Bolin highlighting the "Back to School Bash" event aboard Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Japan, June 17, 2023. AFN Iwakuni provided the broadcast to inform and entertain audiences stationed on and around Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni. (U.S. Marine Corps audio file by Lance Cpl. Brian Bolin)...
Audio by David Flewellyn | Commander, Fleet Activities Yokosuka | 07.28.2023
On the Giant Voice this week is Iliza Shlesinger! We were very happy to have the comedian and actress stop by the podcast during her busy USO tour here in Japan. Joining her are fellow comedians Hunter Hill and Laura Peek for a fun conversation about the military, Japan, and eight-foot-tall babies....
Audio by Scott Sturkol | Fort McCoy Public Affairs Office | 07.28.2023
Now retired, former Fort McCoy Installation Safety Manager Randy Eddy, who's also a retired Army lieutenant colonel, takes time out on his last day of duty July 28, 2023, to discuss his career at Fort McCoy, Wis., as the installation safety manager. Eddy served in the position for over 15 years. During his tenure, the installation earned more safety streamers than in any years previous, and......
Audio by Scott Sturkol | Fort McCoy Public Affairs Office | 07.28.2023
Fort McCoy Garrison Commander Col. Stephen Messenger speaks to small business owners and representatives July 28, 2023, during the 17th annual Wisconsin Government Opportunities Business Conference session at Fort McCoy, Wis. According to the Wisconsin Procurement Institute which helps plan these sessions, these sessions "help give small and diverse businesses the opportunity to learn more......
Audio by Scott Sturkol | Fort McCoy Public Affairs Office | 07.28.2023
Fort McCoy Garrison Commander Col. Stephen Messenger speaks to small business owners and representatives July 28, 2023, during the 17th annual Wisconsin Government Opportunities Business Conference session at Fort McCoy, Wis. According to the Wisconsin Procurement Institute which helps plan these sessions, these sessions "help give small and diverse businesses the opportunity to learn more......
Audio by Scott Sturkol | Fort McCoy Public Affairs Office | 07.28.2023
Fort McCoy Garrison Commander Col. Stephen Messenger speaks to small business owners and representatives July 28, 2023, during the 17th annual Wisconsin Government Opportunities Business Conference session at Fort McCoy, Wis. According to the Wisconsin Procurement Institute which helps plan these sessions, these sessions "help give small and diverse businesses the opportunity to learn more......
Audio by Scott Sturkol | Fort McCoy Public Affairs Office | 07.28.2023
Garrison Commander Col. Stephen Messenger and Command Sgt. Maj. Thomas Calarco, garrison command sergeant major, speak to small business owners and representatives July 28, 2023, during the 17th annual Wisconsin Government Opportunities Business Conference session at Fort McCoy, Wis. According to the Wisconsin Procurement Institute which helps plan these sessions, these sessions "help give......
Audio by Angela Freyermuth | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters | 07.28.2023
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has established a goal to advance the practice of beneficial use of dredged material to 70% by the year 2030. Dredged material is a valued resource that is not to be wasted, but instead used for benefits to the ecosystem, economy, and to deliver the USACE mission more effectively and efficiently across the Navigation, Flood Risk Management and Aquatic Ecosystem......