Audio by Seaman Emily Guillory | AFN Diego Garcia | 07.25.2023
Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Emily Guillory, assigned to American Forces Network Diego Garcia, promotes the segment, ‘Stupid Criminal’, for the local AFN radio station ‘99.1 the Eagle’ to servicemembers and civilians onboard Navy Support Facility Diego Garcia. (U.S. Navy radio spot by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Emily Guillory/Released)...
Audio by Seaman Emily Guillory | AFN Diego Garcia | 07.25.2023
Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Emily Guillory, assigned to American Forces Network Diego Garcia, speaks on morale boosting activities available for the Sailors and civilians onboard NSF Diego Garcia. (U.S. Navy radio spot by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Emily Guillory/Released)...
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Trey Fowler | AFN Guantanamo Bay | 07.25.2023
230725-N-DO281-1002 - A radio news story covering the Naval Station Guantanamo Bay Pickle Dog pickle ball tournament and Navy news around the fleet. (U.S. Navy story by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Trey Fowler)...
Audio by Staff Sgt. Michael Richmond | AFN Incirlik | 07.25.2023
Staff Sgt. Michael Richmond, American Forces Network Incirlik Public Affairs Journeyman, highlighted the 39th Air Base Wing Public Affairs' studio photo capabilitie at Incirlik Air Base, Türkiye, July 25, 2023. The 39ABW/PA's studio photo days are Tuesday and Thursdays with options of getting a formal service dress photo, passport photo and/or military working dog photo taken. (Defense Media......
Audio by Ramona Henson | Air University Public Affairs | 07.25.2023
Guest host Andrew Moulton, former Superintendent for Educational Technology at the Barnes Center for Enlisted Education at Air University, speaks with MSgt Ja’Keith Robinson, First Sergeant at the 552nd Operations Support Squadron at Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahama. MSgt Robinson shares his insights on how the U.S. invests in the enlisted corps through basic professional military education....
Audio by Senior Airman Saomy Sabournin | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 07.25.2023
Today's Story: Applications for Fall Fellowship
Audio by Spc. Theodosius Santalov | AFN Wiesbaden | 07.25.2023
Andre Herren, intramural sports program director, Wiesbaden Family and Morale Welfare Recreation, speaks about the unit level softball tournament, July 24, 2023, in Wiesbaden, Hessen, DE. The audio product was recorded and produced at the AFN Wiesbaden studio on Clay Kaserne, July 25, 2023. (U.S. Army Audio by Spc. Theodosius Santalov)...
Courtesy Audio | AFN Vicenza | 07.25.2023
Radio spot informing how to get help with your AFN TV decoder. (created by AFN Vicenza volunteer Matthew Hace)