Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Karri Langerman | AFN Souda Bay | 07.13.2023
Cmdr. James Kotora, NSA Souda Bay executive officer, talks about things happening at medical and gives a reminder about the laws for driving after consuming alcohol....
Audio by Avery Brown | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District | 07.13.2023
Join us as we discuss agencies we work along side every day! We also have our first guest interview with Captain Tom Conroy from the Coast Guard Auxiliary, to discuss water safety. As always, leave us a review and let us know your questions about what we do....
Audio by Spc. Turner Horton | South Carolina National Guard | 07.13.2023
On this episode of the Palmetto Guardian Spc. Horton, Spc. Catoe and Staff Sgt. Weaver from the Public Affairs office talks about the ins and outs of requesting public affairs support and everything in between! The Palmetto Guardian is hosted by Staff Sgt. Chelsea Weaver, Spc. Ana-Grace and Spc. Turner Horton, with the South Carolina National Guard Public Affairs office....
Audio by Annette Pritt | Fort Irwin Operations Group | 07.13.2023
“Thinking Inside the Box” brings you interviews with the United States Army’s experts in combined arms maneuver, the Observer Coach Trainers (OC/Ts) of Operations Group, at the National Training Center (NTC), Fort Irwin, California. In this Episode we discuss Proactive Counterfire in a large-scale combat operation. Proactive counterfire, as defined in ATP 3-09.12, is the specific......
Courtesy Audio | The Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School | 07.13.2023
In this episode of the Mentorship Matters podcast, CW3 Shaniqua Coley and COL Rob Abbott discuss the history, mission, and current and future initiatives of the U.S. Army JAG Corps’s Leadership Center. To learn more about the U.S. Army JAG Corps’s Leadership Center and to access additional resources please visit or
Audio by Staff Sgt. Milton Hamilton | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 07.13.2023
Today’s Story: A Bridge to Junior ROTC
Audio by Airman 1st Class Jacob Wood | AFN Incirlik | 07.13.2023
American Forces Network Incirlik reported on the Special Duty Assignment Pay board at Incirlik Air Base, Türkiye, July 13, 2023. (Department of Defense Radio Newscast by Senior Airman Jacob Wood)...
Audio by Airman 1st Class Jacob Wood | AFN Incirlik | 07.13.2023
American Forces Network Incirlik highlighted the importance of sunscreen at Incirlik Air Base, Türkiye, July 13, 2023. (Defense Media Agency radio spot by Senior Airman Jacob Wood)...