Audio by Staff Sgt. Sari Seibert | AFN Kaiserslautern | 05.17.2023
Tick season is most active in Germany from March until November. Ticks can transmit disease so it is important to know how to avoid receiving tick bites and what to do if bitten....
Audio by Airman 1st Class Jamal Berry II | AFN Spangdahlem | 05.17.2023
This is a spot made to advertise the open mic night at the Spangdahlem Brick house.
Audio by Petty Officer 1st Class Michael Eckelbecker | AFN Souda Bay | 05.17.2023
Mike Varoudakis, branch manager at Navy Federal, visited AFN with several tips for financial security.
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Jeffrey Sherman | AFN Rota | 05.17.2023
Naval Special Warfare Assessment Command visits Rota, Spain May20th-27th.
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Nicholas Carter | AFN Naples | 05.17.2023
230516-N-RB149-1001 NAPLES, Italy (May 16, 2023)- : Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Andrew Taylor highlights the NSA Naples vet clinic in a radio spot during an AFN Naples community spot party volunteer event on May 11, 2023. (U.S. Navy audio by Mass Communications Specialist 2nd Class Nicholas Carter/Released)...
Audio by Seaman Brandon Claros | AFN Diego Garcia | 05.17.2023
On this week’s ‘In the Studio’ with CAPT. Wilson, we have very special guests LCDR Ward and LCDR Boles from the public works department. Today’s show took a deep dive into the behind the scenes work of SeaBees and we also discussed Bravo Zulu’s and announcements for upcoming events !...
Audio by Senior Airman Andrew Garavito | AFN Incirlik | 05.17.2023
American Forces Network Incirlik highlighted Tech. Sgt. Brandon Lowry, 39th Security Forces Squadron kennel master, at Incirlik Air Base, Türkiye, May 17, 2023. National Police Week is a time to reflect on the challenges that law enforcement officers face every day. (Defense Media Activity Radio Newscast by Senior Airman Andrew Garavito)...
Audio by Scott Sturkol | Fort McCoy Public Affairs Office | 05.17.2023
Here's a 30-plus minute interview with Kevin Herman on May 17, 2023, at Fort McCoy, Wis., who is the Army Community Service director with the Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation. The interview reflects on his eight years as the director and his 18 years as a Department of Army civilian employee at Fort McCoy as well as partly his career in the Army. It also looks at his......