Audio by Senior Airman Taryn Onyon | AFN Aviano | 04.03.2023
AFN Aviano radio news reports on the 31st Force Support Squadron Event, Spring into Spring. (U.S. Air Force Audio by Senior Airman Taryn Onyon)...
Audio by Sgt. Rydell Tomas Jr | Georgia National Guard | 04.03.2023
In this episode, Georgia Army National Guard Lt. Col. Leslie Chandler, 78th Troop Command chaplain and state family program director, joins Capt. Amanda Russell to discuss the organization's wellness program and offers advice to Soldiers as they navigate their careers in the National Guard....
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Karri Langerman | AFN Souda Bay | 04.03.2023
Bill Smith, environmental programs director, discusses what to do in the case of a spill. Jerry Glover from the Navy College Office explains why taking classes while at Souda Bay is a good idea....
Audio by Airman 1st Class Kevin Dunkleberger | AFN Incirlik | 04.03.2023
American Forces Network Incirlik reported the Department of Defense’s memorandum regarding poppy seed consumption and military drug testing, at Incirlik Air Base, Türkiye, April 3, 2023. The memorandum stated poppy seeds may result in a false-positive urinalysis for service members. (Department of Defense Radio Newscast by Airman 1st Class Kevin Dunkleberger) Source:......
Audio by Eileen Williamson | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Northwestern Division | 04.03.2023
Spring public meetings provide a status of mountain snowpack, a runoff forecast for the year, and how operations during the runoff year will meet the authorized purposes for the Missouri River Mainstem System. The draft 2023 forecast is now slightly above average after increased snow on the plains and in the mountains above Fort Peck. There are some flooding concerns the longer the snow stays......
Audio by Capt. Robert Hall, Tech. Sgt. Darrell Hamm and Lt. Col. Marlin Malone | Tennessee National Guard Joint Public Affairs Office | 04.03.2023
It’s the lucky 13th episode of The 1796 Podcast and the team is excited with our lineup. We talk with Colonel Brandon Evans, the Commander of the 164th Airlift Wing in Memphis. He tells us about how the Air Force moves cargo all over the world and how the 164th does it with excellence. We also sit down with Colonel Cory Kinton, he is the commander of the 194th Engineering Brigade......
Audio by Seaman Johnny Garcia | AFN Rota | 04.03.2023
MWR hosts 2023's Eggsplosion event, April 8th.
Audio by Pfc. Deziree Keay | AFN Wiesbaden | 04.03.2023
Wiesbaden Library hosts a wood crafts Maker Space event for community members, on Clay Kaserne, Wiesbaden, Hessen, DE, April 16, 2023. The audio spot was recorded and produced in the AFN Wiesbaden studio on Clay Kaserne, April 3, 2023. (U.S. Army audio by Pfc. Deziree Keay)...