Audio by Master Sgt. Shandresha Mitchell | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 12.28.2022
Today's Story: Youngstown Selected to Receive C-130Js
Audio by Molly Cooke | Fort Stewart Public Affairs Office | 12.28.2022
On this week's edition of The Marne Report podcast, we sit down with the Fort Stewart Deputy Garrison Chaplain, Maj. Lee Frye, to talk about spiritual fitness and what the Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield Religious Support Office has planned in 2023. Take a listen now on your favorite streaming platform by searching "The Marne Report."...
Audio by Lt.j.g. Daniel Ehrlich | USS DECATUR | 12.27.2022
The inaugural episode of USS Decatur's new podcast, "The BODAR Blast" features host Lt.j.g. Daniel Ehrlich talking about the happenings around USS Decatur's Christmas time and the New Year, including and interview with Boatswain's Mate 1st Class Gabriel Jimenez....
Audio by Lt.j.g. Daniel Ehrlich | USS DECATUR | 12.27.2022
The first episode of the USS Decatur "BODAR Blast" podcast featuring LTJG Daniel Ehrlich as host and guest interviewee Boatswain's Mate 1st Class Gabriel Jimenez. This submission is an edited version of the full episode shortened for the U.S. Navy Public Affairs Awards Board review....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Chelsea Weaver | South Carolina National Guard | 12.27.2022
On this episode of the Palmetto Guardian we talk with retired Lt. Col. Keith Wilson, and his sons Charles and Jack Wilson about their military family legacy, choices that led each member to their own service, and Jack’s accomplishment of being accepted into West Point. The Palmetto Guardian is hosted by Staff Sgt. Chelsea Weaver with the South Carolina National Guard Public Affairs office....
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Vernon Young | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 12.27.2022
Today's story: Senior Leaders Visit Airmen Standing the Watch
Audio by Brandon Mejia | U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground | 12.27.2022
Host Mark Schauer talks with Chuck Wullenjohn, a native of Sunnyvale, California and Coast Guard veteran who served as Yuma Proving Ground's Public Affairs Officer from 1989 to 2018. A well-known figure in Yuma, he was also an adjunct professor of government and U.S. Constitution classes at Arizona Western College from 1991 to 2018 and served on the Yuma County Library Board of Trustees for......
Audio by Senior Airman Jamal Berry II | AFN Spangdahlem | 12.23.2022
The following was an ad made for the Volunteer needs and opportunities at the Post Office