Audio by Staff Sgt. AJ Duprey | AFN Benelux | 09.08.2022
Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman Ramon “CZ” Colon-Lopez visited Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, Belgium, Sept. 8, 2022. During his visit, the SEAC conducted a Q-and-A session with the enlisted personnel. (U.S. Air Force audio by Staff Sgt. AJ Duprey) ANNOUNCER: I'M AIR FORCE STAFF SERGEANT A-J DUPREY. SENIOR ENLISTED ADVISOR TO THE CHAIRMAN RAMON “CZ”......
Audio by Kevin Bell | 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command | 09.08.2022
In this episode members of the 19th ESC Inspector General team discuss counterproductive leadership. If you need to speak with someone in IG, call the following numbers: U.S. Army IG Hotline from Korea at 001-1-703-545-1845 or via DSN at 312-865-1845 or the speak to the 19th ESC IG by calling 0503-363-4076 or DSN 315-763-4076...
Audio by Pfc. Zack Stine | AFN Wiesbaden | 09.08.2022
Wiesbaden Army Community Service Exceptional Family Member Programs hosts the Thriving with ADHD workshop at the Hainerberg Housing Area, Wiesbaden, Hessen, DE. The audio spot was recorded in the AFN Wiesbaden studio on Clay Kaserne, Sep. 8, 2022. (U.S. Army audio by Pfc. Zack Stine)...
Audio by Senior Airman Taryn Onyon | AFN Aviano | 09.08.2022
Aviano Radio News on the no heat / no cool transition period with the HVAC Team.
Audio by Chief Petty Officer Sarah Villegas | Office of the U.S. Pacific Fleet Master Chief | 09.08.2022
Fleet Master Chief James "Smitty" Tocorzic shares a message on FY-23 Chief Petty Officer Results. “Congratulations to all of those who found out that they were selected for Chief Petty Officer. A lot of busy weeks here ahead of you… To the First Classes that were not on the list this year, I will tell you: Do not give up. Continue to dig in, continue to lead your Sailors, continue to......
Audio by Jennifer James | Fort Riley Public Affairs Office | 09.08.2022
Fort Riley Podcast - Episode 120 Intergovernmental support agreements
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Army Human Resources Command | 09.08.2022
The episode features the Gray Area Retirements Branch Chief, Maj. Alan Lana. Lana explains the Gray Area Retirements process and how eligible Soldiers can successfully navigate the program....
Audio by Senior Airman Kahdija Slaughter | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 09.08.2022
Today’s Story: New Software for Fighter Jets