Audio by Staff Sgt. Cody Harding | 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-U.S. Combined Division | 07.20.2022
The 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-U.S. Combined Division welcomes Cadet Charles Snead, from the University of Louisville, and 2Lt. Douglas Urban of the 194th Division Sustainment Support Battalion to Warrior Wednesday to discuss the Cadet Troop Leadership Training program....
Audio by Daniel Hawkins | Air Education and Training Command | 07.20.2022
Dan Hawkins from the Air Education and Training Command public affairs team talks with Dr. Lauren Scharff, U.S. Air Force Academy professor of behavioral science, and John Reifenberg, AETC force development policy specialist, about the science behind both the growth and fixed mindsets, how the Academy and AETC are incorporating the growth mindset into training and education, and how it applies......
Audio by Wayne Amann | Office of Special Investigations | 07.20.2022
In this episode representatives from Headquarters Air Force, Air Education and Training Command and the Office of Special Investigations discuss the role of Coaching within the Department of the Air Force....
Audio by Kevin Larson | Fort Stewart Public Affairs Office | 07.20.2022
On this week's edition of the Marne Report podcast, Kevin learns all about the upcoming XVIII Airborne Corps Best Squad competition, happening here on Fort Stewart July 25-29! To learn more, take a listen on your favorite streaming service!...
Audio by Airman 1st Class Garrett Hess | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 07.20.2022
Today’s Story: A Milestone for Hypersonics
Audio by Senior Airman Camerron Niewoehner | Regional Media Center AFN Europe | 07.19.2022
On today's EUCOM Refresh: -- United States European Command held a dedication ceremony for the Negresti EOD Training Facility in Negresti, Moldova. -- -- U.S. Marine Forces Europe & Africa and Senegal recently cohosted the Naval Infantry Leaders Symposium - Africa. -- -- U.S. Naval Forces Europe units and personnel kicked off participation in the Bulgarian exercise Breeze in the Black......
Audio by Seaman Johnny Garcia | AFN Rota | 07.19.2022
Naval Station Rota Runs on backup power, July 23, 2022
Audio by Maj. Wayne Clyne | Oregon National Guard Public Affairs Office | 07.19.2022
In this episode, Chaplain Scott talks with Mr. Steven DeLuna and Ms. Vicki Farnsworth, of the Oregon National Guard’s Resiliency, Risk Reduction, and Suicide Prevention program, part of the Service Member and Family Support (SMFS) directorate at the Joint Force Headquarters in Salem, Oregon. September is National Suicide Prevention Month. Chaplain, Steven, and Vicki discuss resiliency, why......