Audio by Morgan Blackstock | Marine Corps Systems Command | 04.14.2022
Manny joins Sgt. Juwan White on Camp Pendleton, California to discuss the Amphibious Combat Vehicle’s New Equipment Training Team. The NETT is responsible for learning everything there is to know about the ACV. They then train the Marines who will eventually be operating those vehicles in the operational forces....
Audio by Vincent White | Defense Health Agency | 04.14.2022
In this episode of CUBIST, our hosts discuss the article, ““Entitled low resilience following traumatic brain injury is strongly associated with poor neural behavioral functioning in U. S. military service members and veterans,” by Victoria Merit and colleagues and published in the Journal Brain Injury, February 2022. Article Citation: Merritt, V. C., Brickell, T. A., Bailie, J.......
Audio by Airman 1st Class Brooke Sorensen | AFN Aviano | 04.14.2022
Col. Marco Schiattoni, Italian Air Force Base Commander, talks about the ITAF Museum open house at Aviano Air Base, Italy, Apr. 14, 2022. The ITAF Museum open house allowed those to visit the museum and learn about Aviano's history with help from the 31st Fighter Wing Historian and ITAF Airman. (U.S. Air Force audio by Airman 1st Class Brooke Sorensen)...
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Charles Johnston | Joint Force Headquarters - New Hampshire National Guard | 04.14.2022
TAG Match champions, Capt. Patrick Randall of the 195th Regional Training Institute and Staff Sgt. Joseph Wyner of Joint Force Headquarters, join the podcast to discuss the state of competitive shooting in the NHNG and how to get involved....
Audio by Petty Officer 3rd Class Anngie Ramos Grullon | AFN Sasebo | 04.14.2022
Cmdr. Douglas Robb relieved Cmdr. Micah Sybor during a ceremony in front of USS Spruance’s 335-person crew while on a regularly-scheduled deployment in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of operations. (DDG111)...
Audio by Tim Hanson | U.S. Army Security Assistance Command | 04.14.2022
In this episode of Team USASAC, we talk with the U.S. Army Security Assistance Command's Chief Mission Support DIV G3, Lem Williams, about Excess Defense Articles (EDA) and how it plays a role in the organizations mission. To learn more about USASAC, visit
Audio by Eliza Cantrell | Fort Belvoir Public Affairs | 04.14.2022
In this episode of the Belvoir In The Know Podcast, Fort Belvoir's School Liaison Officer, Ms. Kristen Acquah, discusses Month Of The Military Child events happening on Fort Belvoir, educational resources and how she supports military families with school-age children. For parents wanting additional information on the resources discussed, call Ms. Acquah at 703-416-9976 or visit the Fort......
Audio by Sgt. 1st Class Adam Ross | 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command | 04.14.2022
On a special episode of the Every Soldier Counts Podcast, we turn the mics over to an NCO and his squad as they discuss a variety of issues relating to preventing sexual assault and harassment in our ranks. Listen as Staff Sgt. Landon Allen leads a free flowing discussion with his Soldiers! The views expressed in this podcast and the mention of any particular platforms or brands are on......