Audio by Sarah Hauck | U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command | 02.04.2022
Brig. Gen. John Kline, Center for Initial Military Training commanding general, hosts SGM Thomas Campbell, CIMT, G 3/5/7 for a discussion on the importance of leadership in suicide prevention. SGM Campbell shares his impactful story of his own fight with suicide and his mental health....
Audio by Airman 1st Class Garrett Hess | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 02.04.2022
Today’s Story: Networking for F-35s
Audio by Molly Cooke | Fort Stewart Public Affairs Office | 02.04.2022
If you've seen or smelled smoke on Fort Stewart lately it's probably due to controlled burns. On this week's edition of the Marne Report Podcast we sit down with the Directorate of Public Works Forestry Branch to talk about the burn season and what we can expect in the coming weeks. Take a listen on iTunes and Spotify now and don't forget to follow Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield......
Audio by Timothy Sandland | 102nd Intelligence Wing | 02.04.2022
In this month’s Seagull, we hear from 102 IW Command Chief, Chief Master Sgt. Christopher Hirl in this month's Command Message. Jill Garvin, our Director of Psychological Health answers 5 Questions. We speak to Colonel and Doctor Melinda Sutton, Chief of Aerospace Medicine at the 102nd Intelligence Wing about her military story and we also have a segment about the Tuskegee Airmen that you......
Audio by Airman 1st Class Brooke Sorensen | AFN Aviano | 02.04.2022
U.S. Air Force MSgt Julian Mendez talks about "Assist Training" at Aviano Air Base and how to sign up for training. The main focus of the training was on suicide prevention. (U.S. Air Force Audio by A1C Brooke Sorensen)...
Audio by Morgan Blackstock | Marine Corps Systems Command | 02.03.2022
Innovation is a critical element to the success of any organization and many innovative ideas come from small businesses. It is one of the many reasons DoD and the Marine Corps believe in the potential for small businesses to provide innovative and sometimes revolutionary solutions to meet the needs of our future forces. Small businesses fill critical manufacturing and industrial base gaps and......
Audio by Maj. David Murphy | Defense Information School | 02.03.2022
Host Chad McMeen joins Marine Corps DINFOS instructor Capt. Dave Morris to continue our look into the RPIE (research, planning, implementation, and evaluation) process of communication planning. Specifically, this episode is focused on the evaluation step of RPIE and how the public affairs/communication strategy professional can determine if their communication efforts are/were successful....
Audio by Michael Cogar and Ashley Hayes | Integrated Personnel and Pay System - Army | 02.03.2022
In this next episode of season 2, SGM Gary Krese chats with LTC John Elko and CW3 Roscoe Harris, about the rehearsal of concept (ROC 3) event to prepare for Release 3 Go-Live. If you’re looking for insight on brownout, cutover, mock conversion, slotting, hands-on training, over-the-shoulder support and SOPs, this is the episode for you. Please email the IPPS-A Mailbox with your questions:......