Audio by Master Sgt. Andrew Sinclair | 101st Air Refueling Wing | 11.29.2021
Colonel Ian Gillis is our new Wing Commander and he wants to share his vision and message with all of us. We were lucky enough to get him on the podcast so he can share that message!...
Audio by Senior Airman Kahdija Slaughter | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 11.29.2021
Today's Story: A Deadline Extension for Aspiring Aviators
Audio by Senior Airman Trevor Gordnier | Media Center - Japan | 11.29.2021
On this Pacific Pulse, U.S. Marines and sailors rehearse maritime strikes in the pacific, and a 7th fleet destroyer transits Taiwan strait....
Audio by Maj. Robin Cox | U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence | 11.27.2021
The inaugural military intelligence podcast from Ft. Huachuca, home of the Intelligence Center of Excellence. Host: Colonel Christina Bembenek, Commandant of the Military Intelligence School. Guests: Lieutenant General Laura A. Potter, Army G2; Major General Michele H. Bredenkamp, Commander of the Intelligence Security Command; and Major General Anthony R. Hale, Commander of the Intelligence......
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Charles Johnston | Joint Force Headquarters - New Hampshire National Guard | 11.26.2021
On this week's Your NH Guard, 1st Sgt. "Fast Eddie" Clements, NHNG marathon team coordinator and four-time All Guard athlete, discusses his running journey and lofty goals for the state squad....
Audio by Morgan Blackstock | Marine Corps Systems Command | 11.25.2021
Our contracting professionals play a critical role in bridging the gap between the industry and the program offices to ensure we're equipping our Marines with the best capabilities for the fight. Manny chats with Johany Deal, Director of Contracts for Marine Corps Systems Command about what it's like working in contracts here at the command and upcoming engagements with industry....
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Conner Blake | AFN Rota | 11.24.2021
U.S. 4th Fleet Completes Salvage Operation in Panama. Gibraltar Rock Tour Cancelled Due to COVID.
Audio by Paul Shirk | 72nd Air Base Wing | 11.24.2021
Air Force Materiel Command’s Connect program is an initiative to focus on building relationships. This month, we invited Chaplain (Maj.) Chris Reeder from the Tinker Chapel to join us on this episode of Tinker Talks to discuss the topic of Hope. The purpose of AFMC Connect is to help units invest in their collective success by providing the time, tools, and resources to enhance......