Audio by Tech. Sgt. Charles Johnston | Joint Force Headquarters - New Hampshire National Guard | 09.30.2021
Maj. Brooks Hayward and Staff Sgt. Wayne Comtois, two of New Hampshire National Guard's most experienced marksmen, discuss how the Marksmanship Training Team and combat shooting matches enhance small-arms proficiency across the organization....
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Charles Johnston | Joint Force Headquarters - New Hampshire National Guard | 09.30.2021
Maj. Brandon LaBelle and Capt. Mario Rey, two of New Hampshire National Guard's newest Army Ranger School graduates, discuss what it takes to earn the coveted tab....
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Charles Johnston | Joint Force Headquarters - New Hampshire National Guard | 09.30.2021
Maj. Brandon LaBelle and Capt. Mario Rey, two of New Hampshire National Guard's newest Army Ranger graudates, discuss what it takes to earn the coveted tab on this episode of Your NH Guard Podcast....
Audio by Senior Airman Cameron Otte | 332d Air Expeditionary Wing | 09.30.2021
Check out our Spit Fire Podcast episode with the commander of the 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing, Brig. Gen. Christopher Sage. Listen in as we learn more about his journey from joining to leading in the Air Force, before capping off the episode with our segment, “General Questions.”...
Audio by Senior Airman Baylee Yassu | AFN Kunsan | 09.30.2021
AFN Kunsan radio news on a critical joint training opportunity known as “Teak Knife” and the importance of suicide awareness month. (Department of Defense radio news by Senior Airman Baylee Yassu)...
Audio by Senior Airman Baylee Yassu | AFN Kunsan | 09.30.2021
This spot brings awareness to Domestic Violence Awareness month at Kunsan Air Base, Republic of Korea, Sept. 30, 2021. (Department of Defense radio spot by Senior Airman Baylee Yassu)....
Audio by Capt. Charlton Hedden | Air Force Judge Advocate General's School | 09.30.2021
In this special edition of the podcast, Major Ryan Brunson and Major Jessica Delaney educate explain some of the recent, pertinent changes to military justice and how those changes impact legal offices and practitioners. They discuss the Criminal Investigation & Prosecution Capability, Special Victim Investigation & Prosecution Capability, and investigative processes....
Audio by Lt. Col. Andy Thaggard | U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence | 09.30.2021
Major Mike Jones, the USAACE Special Operations Element Chief, discusses the Battle of Mogadishu and lessons of leadership and resiliency with CW3 (Retired) Perry Alliman, an Army UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter pilot shot down on September 25, 1993, and SFC (Retired) Jeff Hulst, a Task Force Ranger Team Leader with the 75th Ranger Regiment during Operation Gothic Serpent. They are joined by MAJ......