Audio by Sgt. 1st Class Adam Ross | 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command | 09.09.2021
Maj. Edward Chang has had an exciting military career that has taken him from the world of Special Forces to being the Command Surgeon for Team19. This year, he completed a major career milestone that's usually reserved for more junior Soldiers: earning the Expert Field Medical Badge. On this episode of the Every Soldier Counts Podcast, we talk to Maj. Chang about his role as the chief medical......
Audio by Lance Cpl. John Hall | Media Center - Japan | 09.09.2021
On this Pacific Pulse; USS Dewey arrives in Japan and joins the 7th Fleet Forces, partner nations share strength and capabilities during PACS-21, and the Carl Vinson Carrier Strike Group operates in the South China Sea....
Audio by Kristen Taylor | U.S. Army War College Public Affairs | 09.08.2021
The fall of Afghanistan raises serious questions about whether the United States and the West more broadly are able to successfully implement what military practitioners call Foreign Internal Defense, or supporting a friendly foreign government under attack from an internal insurgency. What explains success or failure in these cases? SSI Live host Dr. John R. Deni invited his SSI colleagues......
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Christopher OGrady | AFN Bahrain | 09.08.2021
MANAMA, Bahrain (September 08, 2021) This newscast covers NAVCENT beginning IMX 2022, PRT information and Ombudsman Appreciation Month. Mass Communication Specialist Second Class Christopher M. O'Grady reports from AFN Bahrain....
Audio by Melissa Espinales | Air Force Wounded Warrior Program | 09.08.2021
On this month's Blue & Beyond podcast Coach Connie & Coach Kallie discuss how to prepare for the unexpected and how to continue to move forward....
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Joshua Weaver | 434th Air Refueling Wing | 09.08.2021
On this episode of FUEL Chief Master Sgt. Nathan Parks sits down with Col. (Dr.) William Bray, 434th Aerospace Medicine Squadron to talk about the COVID vaccine and answer a few questions. Chief Parks also sits down with Chaplain (Capt.) Blake Campbell and Tech Sgt. Josh Weaver to talk about the passing of one of our Marine brothers and how it has impacted them....
Audio by Molly Cooke | Fort Stewart Public Affairs Office | 09.08.2021
On this week's edition of The Marne Report podcast we learn about the upcoming 9/11 Remembrance Run/Walk on Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield. We also take a moment to visit with a couple of our installation's first responders about where they were on 9/11, and how it compelled them to serve....
Audio by Senior Airman Kahdija Slaughter | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 09.08.2021
Today’s Story: Automated Travel Screenings