Audio by Joseph Nieves | Fort George G. Meade Public Affairs | 09.07.2021
On this episode we are back with Sarah Bonise our School Liaison and we are talking about all things back-to-school. And a big Welcome back! to our students here with Team Meade. Be safe and have a great school year! There are loads of great resources out there for parents: Anne Arundel County Public School: Tutoring services: Family Advocacy Program at:......
Audio by Richard Brown | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District | 09.07.2021
Digging Deep - Understanding The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District S1E2 – Planning for Sacramento’s Next Big Storm Sacramento District Planning Division Chief Ms. Alicia Kirchner leads one of the largest planning divisions within the USACE enterprise, responsible for providing planning expertise to help identify and solve water resource problems for the......
Audio by Adam Reese | White House Communications Agency | 09.07.2021
Press Secretary Jen Psaki Gaggle Aboard Air Force One En Route Queens, New York
Audio by Staff Sgt. Brittain Crolley | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 09.07.2021
Today's Story: Mandatory Vaccines
Audio by Vincent White | Defense Health Agency | 09.06.2021
In this episode of CUBIST, Amanda, and Don discuss the article, “Wearable sensors detect movement differences in the portable warrior test of tactical agility after mTBI in service members” by Oleg Favorov and colleagues, and published in Military Medicine in September of 2021 Article Citation: Favorov, O., Kursun, O., Challener, T., Cecchini, A., & McCulloch, K. L. (2021). Wearable......
Audio by Petty Officer 3rd Class Hutch Johnson | AFN Rota | 09.04.2021
Mandatory COVID-19 vaccines for service members
Audio by Chief Petty Officer Crystalynn Kneen | U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters | 09.04.2021
Episode #7 of the 1 MC! The Tech Revolution Join us for another episode of the 1MC as I discuss some great topics with CAPT. Dash from C5I Service Center. Hot topics consist of cutter connectivity, WIFI, bandwidth, Infrastructure, contracts, cyber readiness, software mobility, Office 365, new workstations, and portal improvements to ensure we are a mobile mission ready workforce! Links......
Courtesy Audio | Naval Postgraduate School | 09.03.2021
Episode 31 - Dr. Bill Thiesen - Coast Guard History The Trident Room Podcast host James Reilly sits down with Atlantic Area Historian, Dr. Bill Thiesen. This episode was recorded on September 03, 2021. As Atlantic Area Historian, William Thiesen is responsible for preserving and promoting the history of the Coast Guard's Atlantic Area. In his position, he serves as a resource on......