Audio by Dawn Waldman | 412th Test Wing | 10.19.2020
In this episode we’ll learn about some of the new, energy and money saving measures coming to Edwards as well as highlight Energy Action Month. Join us as we meet Ms. Jillian Becker, the Edwards Energy Management Manager. Visit our podcast webpage to find the listening locations.
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Zachary Cacicia and Tech. Sgt. Jensen Stidham | 512th Airlift Wing | 10.18.2020
Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Pennington and Chief Master Sgt. Cynthia Villa, 4th Air Force Commander and Command Chief, discuss Air Force Reserve-specific topics during their visit to Bedrock....
Audio by Sgt. Chelsea Weaver | South Carolina National Guard | 10.18.2020
On this episode of the Palmetto Guardian we talk with U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer 2 Steve Szabo, U.S. Army Sgt. James Murray, and U.S. Army Spc. Jefferson Dill, all with the 135th Cyber Security Company, South Carolina National Guard, about Cyber Awareness Month and what cyber is. The Palmetto Guardian is hosted by Spc. David Erskine with the South Carolina National Guard Public Affairs......
Audio by Seaman Hutch Johnson | AFN Rota | 10.16.2020
Petty Officer First Class Justin Snyder, the information system security officer at Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station Pacific, joined Petty Officer Third Class Hutch Johnson live in studio to discuss cybersecurity. Naval Station Rota enables and supports operations of U.S. and allied forces and provides quality services in support of the fleet, fighter, and family for......
Audio by Sabrina Beal | AFN Okinawa | 10.16.2020
Radio Commercial for Red Cross Babysitter's Course
Audio by Petty Officer 3rd Class Shelby Hawkins | AFN Misawa | 10.16.2020
Chaplain Spurgeon talks about showing love in a changing world.
Audio by Senior Airman Kelsey Cook | Regional Media Center AFN Europe | 10.16.2020
Stars and Stripes has special publications available for overseas locations.
Audio by Senior Airman Miguel Rosario | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 10.16.2020
Aircraft Readiness