Audio by Staff Sgt. Thomas Smith | AFN Humphreys | 04.30.2019
Radio Spot - YSN0646
Audio by Staff Sgt. Edwin Pierce | | 04.30.2019
This is your DoD News Daily brief for April 30, 2019
Audio by Adam Reese | White House Communications Agency | 04.30.2019
Norfolk, VA
Audio by Sgt. Bryce Hodges | Defense Media Activity - Marines | 04.30.2019
I'M SERGEANT BRYCE HODGES WITH YOUR MARINE MINUTE. The Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, Sgt. Maj. Ronald Green, recently released the second installment of his Own It! campaign. Sgt. Maj. Green calls upon all Marines to look around at their brothers and sisters that might be struggling with difficult situations and ask themselves how they can help. “We all need to......
Audio by Senior Airman Jasmine Vanderheyden | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 04.30.2019
Today's stories: The Romanian Space Agency became the 20th nation to sign a space situational awareness agreement with U.S. Strategic Command. Also, Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein visits participants of the Space Flag exercise....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Amanda Sampson | Media Center - Japan | 04.30.2019
On this Pacific Pulse, Military Sealift Command christens a new vessel and Hawaiian agencies conduct a mass rescue exercise....
Audio by Sgt. Bryce Hodges | Defense Media Activity - Marines | 04.29.2019
I'M SERGEANT BRYCE HODGES WITH YOUR MARINE MINUTE. US Marines attended the US Marine Corps Open Wrestling Championships in Las Vegas, April 25-27. The Marine Corps Recruiting Command partnered with USA Wrestling to support student athletes, coaches and their communities, to inform young people about opportunities within the Marine Corps, and to continue to foster the......
Audio by Staff Sgt. Edwin Pierce | | 04.29.2019
This is your DoD News Daily Brief for April 29, 2019