Audio by Pfc. James Crowley | AFN Bavaria | 01.18.2018
I’m Private First Class James Crowley and this is your Bavaria Radio News Update. The beginning of the New Year is the best time to start making changes in your life. Whether it’s your diet, your personal goals, or your workout regiment it is always nice to start the New Year off on the right foot. Amanda Guskie, a health educator at the Vilseck Army Wellness Center talks about how the......
Audio by Francis Trachta | Army Medicine History | 01.17.2018
Army Medicine History - Minnie Breese Stubbs Life Story Original date for audio interview is unknown. Second Lieutenant Minnie Breese volunteered to go the Philippine Islands and was assigned to Fort Mills in Corregidor, April 1940. At that time, Army Nurses had relatively light work schedules and plenty of free time to enjoy the island. Breese had no idea that her life would change so......
Audio by Senior Airman Megan Qualls | AFN Humphreys | 01.17.2018
A scoped show of "What Up Wit Choo!", where a KATUSA teaches Korean to DJ Tink every Wednesday. This show is from Jan 17th from 1100 to 1200....
Audio by Lori Bultman | 25th Air Force | 01.17.2018
Chaplain (Maj.) Jim Bridgham, wing chaplain, and Tech. Sgt. Johanna M. Ackerberg, mental health technician, 363rd Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing, 25th Air Force, continue their podcast, "The Pillars," with a discussion about New Year, New You - The Social Pillar. Other podcast topics are: Sleep, Caffeine, Personal Growth, Goals, Morning Routines and Meditation. All of the......
Audio by Lori Bultman | 25th Air Force | 01.17.2018
Chaplain (Maj.) Jim Bridgham, wing chaplain, and Tech. Sgt. Johanna M. Ackerberg, mental health technician, 363rd Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing, 25th Air Force, continue their podcast, "The Pillars," with a discussion about New Year, new you - Mental Pillar. Other podcast topics are: Sleep, Caffeine, Personal Growth, Goals, Morning Routines and Meditation. All of the......
Audio by Lori Bultman | 25th Air Force | 01.17.2018
Chaplain (Maj.) Jim Bridgham, wing chaplain, 363rd Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing, 25th Air Force, presents a guided mediation podcast. Previous podcast topics include: Sleep, Caffeine, Personal Growth, Goals, Morning Routines and Meditation. All of the available podcasts can be found on DVIDS, iTunes and YouTube....
Audio by Lori Bultman | 25th Air Force | 01.17.2018
Chaplain (Maj.) Jim Bridgham, wing chaplain, and Tech. Sgt. Johanna M. Ackerberg, mental health technician, 363rd Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing, 25th Air Force, continue their podcast, "The Pillars," with a discussion about New Year, new you - Spiritual Pillar. Other podcast topics are: Sleep, Caffeine, Personal Growth, Goals, Morning Routines and Meditation. All of the......
Audio by Lori Bultman | 25th Air Force | 01.17.2018
Chaplain (Maj.) Jim Bridgham, wing chaplain, and Tech. Sgt. Johanna M. Ackerberg, mental health technician, 363rd Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing, 25th Air Force, continue their podcast, "The Pillars," with a discussion about New Year, new you - Physical Pillar. Other podcast topics are: Sleep, Caffeine, Personal Growth, Goals, Morning Routines and Meditation. All of the......