Audio by Sgt. Dani Debehets | AFN Superstation Sembach | 02.06.2016
Some students apply on paper to get scholarships for a higher education, then there are other students who face the number one feared activity to help them pay for college. Army Sgt. Dani White meets three high schoolers who braved this fear with the power of words....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Bernardo Fuller | AFN Superstation Sembach | 02.06.2016
This event includes partnered workouts with a series of physical challenges ranging from carrying weights to climbing ropes at Chièvres Fitness Center in Belgium. The aim is to inspire team fitness and couples' togetherness by accomplishing all the challenges in the shortest time frame possible....
Audio by Nelson Duenas | III Marine Expeditionary Force | 02.06.2016
Marines perform the finale at the Okinawa City Promenade Concert in Okinawa, Japan, Feb. 6, 2016. The Marines are with the III Marine Expeditionary Force Band....
Audio by Spc. Eric Bandy | Michigan National Guard | 02.05.2016
Wrap up of Allied Spirit IV including statements from Col. Clark Barrett and Maj. Guntars Galauskas.
Audio by Cheryl Moore | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District | 02.05.2016
The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Northwestern Division is committed to providing more frequent communications with stake holders in the basin. The Corps aims to keep the communities informed with reservoir operations, current and forecast weather conditions and reservoir release plans. Congressional delegation members and/or representatives, tribes, state governments, county and local......
Courtesy Audio | Michigan National Guard | 02.05.2016
During a three week period from Jan. 16 to Feb. 5, approximately 40 soldiers from the Michigan Army National Guard took part in exercise Allied Spirit IV at the 7th Army Joint Multinational Training Commands Hohenfels training area in Germany. Exercise Allied Spirit IV is a multinational exercise designed to prepare alliance member and partner nation forces in Europe to operate together,......
Audio by Senior Airman Nicholas Koetz | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 02.05.2016
Air Force Radio News Feb. 5 - A
Audio by Senior Airman Nicholas Koetz | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 02.05.2016
Air Force Radio News Feb. 5 - B