Audio by Sgt. Nathaniel Duane Phillips | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 09.02.2015
Lt. Gen. Stephen Lanza talks about the importance of Exercise Ulchi Freedom Guardian and troops with the 173rd Airborne Brigade train in Estonia....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Robert Waggoner | AFN Superstation Sembach | 09.01.2015
Did you ever have a lemonade stand growing up? Well, on Incirlik Air Base in Turkey one little girl took her little lemonade stand and turned it into a successful base business, with a little help from mom. Staff Sgt Robbie Waggoner tried a cup, and this is what poured out....
Audio by John Bradley | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 09.01.2015
US Army Engineers help a local community in Estonia and reservists from the 457th Civil Affairs Battalion trains in the Caucasus and the Balkans assisting engineers in rebuilding schools....
Audio by John Bradley | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 09.01.2015
Sergeant Major of the Army Daniel Dailey visits Fort Hood during some hands-on training and the Army is making some changes to its Noncommissioned Officer Development System....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Stephen Patrick | AFN Superstation Sembach | 08.31.2015
During a visit to installations throughout Europe, Maj. Gen. Thomas C. Seamands, the commander of U.S. Army Human Resources Command, visited Soldiers at SHAPE NATO Base. While there, the commander discussed important changes to the Qualitative Management Process, including the upcoming new NCOER and the Army’s Select Train Educate and Promote or STEP program....
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Matthew Hecht | New Jersey National Guard | 08.31.2015
Guard Life, the official podcast of the New Jersey National Guard, brings episode two with an American Ninja roundhouse kick. Tech. Sgt. Justin Gielski with the 108th Wing recounts the efforts to get onto Season 7 of "American Ninja Warrior."...
Audio by Sgt. Audrey Santana | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 08.31.2015
The 1st Infantry Division Soldiers out of Fort Riley, Kansas got VIP access to the Kansas City Chief's training camp. Soldiers from the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division along with Indonesian Soldiers participated in Garuda Shield, a live fire exercise that focuses on interoperability....
Audio by Sgt. Rachel Badgeley | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 08.31.2015
Mississippi National Guard ADA troops are participating in Exercise America's Shield. Army leadership has recommended the cannon crew member and automated tactical data systems specialist career fields be open to women....