Audio by Staff Sgt. Jason Brace | 172nd Public Affairs Detachment | 07.30.2015
The 15th Civil Support Team of the Vermont Army National Guard conducts training operations at an airport near Montpelier, Vt. Audio only, by Sgt. Barb Pendl...
Audio by Sgt. Nathaniel Duane Phillips | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 07.30.2015
The Mississippi National Guard partners with the Army Reserve to advance the quality of both components training and a Soldier reflects on the quality of training during the Exportable Combat Training Capability Exercise....
Audio by Sgt. Nathaniel Duane Phillips | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 07.30.2015
Artillery units in Europe field new munitions with GPS capabilities, trainers keep Soldiers calm before sending them over a 52-foot wall in Korea and the Natick Soldier Research Center might find a way to send MREs into space....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Jason Brace | 172nd Public Affairs Detachment | 07.29.2015
The 124th Regional Training Institute from Colchester, Vermont conducts Field Training Exercise for soldiers going through the Warrior Leader Course. Audio Only....
Audio by Sgt. Nathaniel Duane Phillips | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 07.29.2015
The U.S. ambassador to Ukraine visited Exercise Rapid Trident and praised the U.S. and Ukrainian efforts; the commander of the Mississippi National Guard's 1-12 CAV explains why they are training all over the state; and the Army wins big at the National Pistol Matches in Ohio....
Audio by Sgt. Nathaniel Duane Phillips | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 07.29.2015
Army Community Service celebrates their 50th anniversary and food service specialists from the Mississippi National Guard get special training from a local university to prepare them for an Army-wide competition....
Audio by Sgt. Nathaniel Duane Phillips | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 07.28.2015
The Mississippi National Guard is training across the state. MPs are at Camp McCain for the 2015 Military Police Warfighter Competition and Scouts are at Camp Shelby preparing for future engagements....
Audio by Sgt. Nathaniel Duane Phillips | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 07.28.2015
Troops and leaders from across Europe gather in Ukraine for exercise Rapid Trident and the engineers from the Alabama National guard train in Romania to strengthen infrastructure for future allied training....