Audio by Senior Airman BreeAnn Sachs | 49th Wing | 06.30.2015
Well before takeoff and long after landing a variety of backshops and airmen ensure all components of an aircraft are safe and fully functional. But, it’s not just the aircraft with equipment needing maintenance. Senior Airman BreeAnn Sachs gives us an inside look at the Airmen responsible for all things aircrew. Reporter: WHEN A PILOT’S FLYING AT THIRTY-THOUSAND FEET THE LAST THING THEY......
Audio by Spc. Andrew Vidakovich | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 06.30.2015
The Secretary of Defense Ash Carter lends his support to soldiers and their families, SMA Daniel Dailey is passionate about the importance of maintaining public trust....
Audio by Spc. Andrew Vidakovich | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 06.30.2015
The U.S. Army hosts the largest military shooting competition in Europe every year, The Secretary of Defense Ash Carter talks to service members about family support....
Courtesy Audio | 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-U.S. Combined Division | 06.29.2015
1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division and 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division will host a phone-in background briefing to discuss The Transfer of Authority between 1ABCT and 2-1 CAV. The Brigade Commanders from 1ABCT and 2-1 CAV will provide opening comments and conduct a question-and-answer session....
Audio by Sgt. Nathaniel Duane Phillips | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 06.29.2015
Service members in Germany receive a special visit from Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter and the Warrior Games wrap up at Marine Corps Base Quantico where Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey awarded the winning team the Chairman's Cup....
Audio by Sgt. Nathaniel Duane Phillips | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 06.29.2015
U.S. and Allied forces train during NATO Exercise Capable Logistician 15 in Europe and also see demonstrations on new equipment that will save the military time and money....
Courtesy Audio | AFN Pacific | 06.27.2015
F-16 crew chief talks about his experience during Northern Edge.