Audio by Staff Sgt. Traci Keller | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 06.02.2015
On this edition of Air Force Radio News, women's Air Force history expands with a new four-star general, firefighters at Osan Air Base train with their ROKAF counterparts, and Misawa Air Base puts on its own cycling race....
Audio by Cpl. Cameron Storm | Defense Media Activity - Marines | 06.01.2015
Sgt. Alex Nguyen lost his leg below the knee after an Improvised Explosive Device detonated beneath his vehicle. Now, he is getting ready to compete in the 2015 Department of Defense Warrior Games at Marine Corps Base Quantico....
Courtesy Audio | Irwin Army Community Hospital | 06.01.2015
What is the purpose of the emergency room? Why can it seem like people have to wait unfairly long? What is the triage system? Does the triage nurse consider military rank for order of priority?...
Audio by Sgt. Nathaniel Duane Phillips | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 06.01.2015
The governor of Oregon takes a moment to praise an Engineer unit returning from Kuwait, Guardsman compete for marksmanship supremacy and get some good training as well and the female Soldiers attending Ranger School fail the first phase but three get a second chance....
Audio by Sgt. Nathaniel Duane Phillips | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 06.01.2015
A brigade commander takes a personal interest in the training of his leaders by setting up an annual event, West Point awaits a motivated Soldiers in Korea and a Utah National Guardsman finds himself gainfully employed out a sea....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Mike Lahrman | AFN Pacific | 05.31.2015
The 14th Asia Security Summit was held in Singapore over the weekend. Officials from around the region and elsewhere gathered to discuss key issues. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter attended and spoke to a room of delegates about topics from the Trans-Pacific-Partnership Agreement to increased activity in the South China Sea....
Audio by Senior Airman BreeAnn Sachs | 49th Wing | 05.29.2015
Army Colonel Heyward G. Hutson, III, 1st Armored Division Artillery Commander from Fort Bliss visited Holloman Air Force Base for a familiarization flight in an F-16 as he works to bridge the Army/Air Force cultural and language gap....
Audio by Sgt. Nathaniel Duane Phillips | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 05.29.2015
Soldiers Stationed at Hohenfels, Germany, recognize the important role they play in the training of U.S. and allied units and the Kansas National Guard is in El Salvador building schools to aid an impoverished community....