Audio by Sgt. Nathaniel Duane Phillips | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 11.05.2014
Regional Command East is deactivating and the 10th Mountain Division leaves Afghanistan as the last U.S. division to lead a regional command. The Command of U.S. Army Europe has changed to Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges who says he will continue to build on the success of his predecessor, and here in D.C., the Pentagon announced that service members serving in support of Operation Inherent Resolve are......
Audio by Sgt. Nathaniel Duane Phillips | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 11.05.2014
The Defense Department has set aside November to recognize the military family because of the important role they play. A Hawaii National Guard Soldier serves the public in more ways than one, and at Fort Drum, Gen. Martin Dempsey awarded the Soldiers Medal to three Soldiers who assisted in saving a distressed boater earlier this year....
Courtesy Audio | Air Force Global Strike Command | 11.05.2014
Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James A. Cody and Command Sgt. Maj. Patrick Z. Alston, senior enlisted leader, U.S. Strategic Command, talked core values and profound leadership Nov. 5, 2014 in Bossier City, La. The speech was a part of the Global Strike Challenge 2014 Technology and Innovation Symposium....
Audio by William Selby | DMA Social Media | 11.05.2014
Rosemary Freitas Williams, deputy assistant secretary of defense for Military Community and Family Policy, joined us Nov. 5 to discuss Military Family Month and support available to military families who provide service members with invaluable support through encouragement and love during long deployments, frequent moves and some very early mornings....
Courtesy Audio | | 11.05.2014
℠2014- U.S. Army Europe change of command, the U.S. military leads the way in fighting Ebola and why retiree health doesn't always involve seeing a doctor....
Audio by 1st Lt. Christopher Mesnard | Air Force Global Strike Command | 11.05.2014
Vice Adm. Michael J. Connor Commander, Submarine Forces Commander, Submarine Force Atlantic Commander, Allied Submarine Command, delivers a discussion on Navy and Air Force interoperability in relation to the nuclear triad, Nov. 5, 2014 in Bossier City, Louisiana. The speech was a part of the Global Strike Challenge 2014 Technology and Innovation Symposium....
Courtesy Audio | | 11.05.2014
℠2014- The latest word on operations in Afghanistan from a senior U.S. commander on the ground, U.S. Army Europe Change of Command and the Pentagon says it's Ebola mission in West Africa won't be cut back....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Richard Stowell | U.S. Forces Afghanistan | 11.04.2014
Regional Command - East is deactivated in a ceremony at Bagram Air Field in Afghanistan. The command is led by the 10th Mt. Div., MG Stephen Townsend commanding, and is ordered to redeploy to Fort Drum, N.Y....