Audio by Sgt. Christopher Tobey | AFN Afghanistan | 06.28.2014
Marines with the Afghan National Police Advisory Team in Lashkar Gah, Afghanistan, end their mission and leave Patrol Base Dimond. Their more than five-year long mission was very successful and they leave the Afghan National Police fully prepared to secure the Helmand province....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Douglas Lovely | AFN Afghanistan | 06.27.2014
The 10th Mountain Division, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 2-87th Infantry, Apache Company headed out on a patrol, to interdict possible indirect fire aimed at FOB Shank. Apache Company was accompanied by ANA on the ground. SSG Lovely went to FOB Shank to bring you the story....
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard District 14 Hawaii Pacific | 06.27.2014
Public Service Announcement from the Coast Guard and Hawaii Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation to raise awareness for boating under the influence. Audio provided by Defense Media Activity – Hawaii News Bureau...
Courtesy Audio | | 06.27.2014
2014 - Eyes in the skies over Iraq, planning for contingencies and a Soldier reunites with his working dog.
Courtesy Audio | | 06.27.2014
℠2014 - Paying for overseas contingencies, staying safe on motorcycles this summer and climbing America's highest peak.
Audio by Sgt. Rachel Badgeley | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 06.27.2014
The U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit wins titles at the 55th Inter-service Pistol Championships. Aviation is crucial to the ground force commander in Afghanistan. The U.S. Army Chemical Corps turns 96 years old on June 28....
Courtesy Audio | | 06.27.2014
℠2014 - A new commander in Iraq, keeping Harriers jumping and jumping for joy over the U.S. advance in the World Cup.
Courtesy Audio | | 06.27.2014
℠2014 - A new commander named for U.S. troops in Iraq, keeping Chinooks in the air and the commander in chief plans a visit to "8th and I."...