Courtesy Audio | | 05.28.2014
2014 - A review of military health care, plans for the way forward in Afghanistan and a look at training the Afghan security forces....
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Trevor Pedro | 379th Air Expeditionary Wing | 05.27.2014
Service members are often placed in high stress situations, dealing with extreme weather and long hours can take a toll. Thankfully, there are many opportunities for troops to get a mental break from the daily grind. TSgt Trevor Pedro takes us to Qatar where a group of Airmen are doing just that. Soundbites include Lt Col Jim Johnston - Team Leader. Produced by TSgt Trevor Pedro, Al Udeid AB,......
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Trevor Pedro | 379th Air Expeditionary Wing | 05.27.2014
Memorial Day is a time to reflect and remember fallen heroes throughout our nation’s history. It’s a somber time where retreat ceremonies take the center stage. TSgt Trevor Pedro was on hand for Grand Slam Wing’s official ceremony and files this report. Soundbites include SSgt Joshua Cain - Honor Guardsman. Produced by TSgt Trevor Pedro, Al Udeid AB, Qatar....
Courtesy Audio | | 05.27.2014
2013 - Defense leaders honor veterans and the fallen, analyzing health on bases and DARPA shows off some of their projects at the Pentagon Courtyard....
Audio by Spc. Andrew Vidakovich | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 05.27.2014
The Romanian army takes command of U.S. Forces during Exercise Combined Resolve II in Germany, Lt. Gen. Joseph Anderson discusses the need for ISAF's Train, Assist, Advise Mission to evolve....
Courtesy Audio | | 05.27.2014
℠2014 - Ceremonies around the world honor the service and sacrifice of American service members on Memorial Day.
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Trevor Pedro | 379th Air Expeditionary Wing | 05.26.2014
A feature on an honor guardsman leading the 379th Air Expeditionary Wing Memorial Day retreat ceremony.
Audio by Sgt. Jacob Sawyer | Joint Multinational Readiness Center | 05.26.2014
A Memorial Day ceremony held at Hohenfels, Germany, with 15 allied and partnered nations attending to honor and remember all those that gave the ultimate sacrifice....