Audio by Spc. Andrew Vidakovich | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 11.04.2013
Vice Chief of Staff Gen. John F. Campbell visits Fort Riley, Kan., to discuss the Army's Ready and Resilient campaign, Public Affairs soldiers in Afghanistan teach their Afghan counterparts some media skills, the NCO 2020 survey deadline has been extended to Nov. 14....
Audio by Sgt. Jason Jones | AFN Afghanistan | 11.04.2013
Service Member walks 100 miles to raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project.
Audio by Terry Turner | | 11.04.2013
NATO's Steadfast Jazz, USS North Dakota is christened and an Exchange expansion in Germany.
Courtesy Audio | AFN - Iwakuni | 11.03.2013
Cat A HITT Center November 3, 2013 MC1 Marcus Suorez, USN, Production SNCOIC,, AFN Iwakuni PSC 561, Box 1875 FPO, AP, 96310-0007 DSN: 315-253-5661 COM: +11-082-779-5661...
Audio by Sgt. Jesiah Dixon | U.S. Army Europe and Africa | 11.03.2013
The U.S. Army is supporting Steadfast Jazz 13 with participation from the 173d IBCT(A), one of U.S. Army Europe’s forward-based combat brigades and the 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, the U.S.-based ground force contribution to NATO Response Force 2014. Collectively, these forces represent the re-invigoration of U.S. participation in the NRF and the enduring U.S.......
Audio by Sgt. Jesiah Dixon | U.S. Army Europe and Africa | 11.02.2013
The U.S. Army is supporting Steadfast Jazz 13 with participation from the 173d IBCT(A), one of U.S. Army Europe’s forward-based combat brigades and the 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, the U.S.-based ground force contribution to NATO Response Force 2014. Collectively, these forces represent the re-invigoration of U.S. participation in the NRF and the enduring U.S.......
Audio by Cpl. Joshua DeFour | AFN Afghanistan | 11.02.2013
U.S. Army public affairs soldiers hold weekly courses to pass on photography and videography skills to their Afghan counterparts....
Audio by Terry Turner | | 11.01.2013
National Guard leaders get new directions on same-sex partner benefits; the State Department opens new job opportunities for veterans; and personal finance advice for military families....