Audio by Petty Officer 1st Class Sara Muir | U.S. Coast Guard District 17 | 10.17.2013
Deck Watch is a weekly five minute radio program covering Coast Guard news and operations throughout Alaska. U.S. Coast Guard audio by 17th District Public Affairs....
Audio by Sgt. Ryan Kelly | 16th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 10.17.2013
The NCO museum on Fort Bliss is awesome. Come and see it.
Audio by Sgt. David Rankin | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 10.17.2013
President Barack Obama signed the continuing resolution to put an end to the partial government shutdown. The Walter Reed Army Institute of Research provides hope for a malaria vaccination after 20 years of research. Former Capt. William Swenson was inducted into the Hall of Heroes at the Pentagon after receiving the Medal of Honor....
Audio by Sgt. Travis Delzell | 16th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 10.17.2013
Radio spot: Gambling allows people the chance to win more money than they started with and is meant to be fun. However, those who are addicted need to seek professional help. Don't let your addiction ruin your life....
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Caycee Watson | 169th Fighter Wing | 10.17.2013
Capt. Roy Condrey, from Chapin, S.C., talks to a Crawford Broadcasting reporter, for their Hero of the Week segment, about his duties as officer-in-charge of his unit and their work at Eagle Vision IV, a deployable ground satellite station at McEntire Joint National Guard station....
Audio by 2nd Lt. John Parry | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 10.17.2013
Master Sgt. Marcelino Marquez, Riverside, Calif., talks to a WTKF-FM reporter about his work in the Marine Corps as a logistics chief at Camp Leatherneck, growing up in Riverside and why he joined the Marine Corps....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Zachariah Lopez | AFN Afghanistan | 10.17.2013
Afghan soldiers learn how to perform electrical maintenance from U.S. engineers.
Audio by Sgt. Jacob Sawyer | Joint Multinational Readiness Center | 10.16.2013
Radio story about Hohenfels leadership keeping the German Burgermeisters (mayors) in the loop of everything thats happening on post....