Audio by Capt. Marcus Byrne, Staff Sgt. Johnathan Hoover and Sgt. Elliot Valdez | 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division Public Affairs | 08.19.2013
The Deal "Episode 04" Objection! Legal is with us this week, plus we're answering your excellent questions from Facebook, including an update about Soldiers receiving mail!...
Audio by Petty Officer 1st Class Sara Muir | U.S. Coast Guard District 17 | 08.19.2013
Deck Watch talks with Capt. John McKinley, commanding officer, Coast Guard Cutter, Waesche, in Kodiak, Alaska, Aug. 19, 2013. Deck Watch is a weekly five minute radio program covering Coast Guard news and operations throughout Alaska. U.S. Coast Guard audio by 17th District Public Affairs....
Audio by Staff Sgt. John Archiquette | AFN Afghanistan | 08.19.2013
Combat Medics from the 555 Engineering Brigade conduct nighttime MASCAL training with moulage on Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan....
Audio by Terry Turner | | 08.19.2013
Building a relationship with China, battling Idaho fires and a sailor comes home as a knight in shining armor.
Audio by Staff Sgt. Jason Shamberger | AFN Afghanistan | 08.18.2013
Concussion Care Centers in theater help service members to recover from mild traumatic brain injuries and return to duty in a timely fashion. Includes sound bites from Col. David Wilkie, Theater Neurologist....
Audio by Sgt. Timothy Koster | 362nd Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 08.18.2013
Medics have a very real and critical role at Warrior Base, Republic of Korea, during Ulchi Freedom Guardian 13: tending to the sick and injured...
Audio by Petty Officer 3rd Class Melissa McKenzie | U.S. Coast Guard District 14 Hawaii Pacific | 08.18.2013
Coast Guard rescued five from a capsized vessel approximately one mile outside of Kalihi Channel, Oahu, Aug. 18, 2013.
Audio by Staff Sgt. Zachariah Lopez | AFN Afghanistan | 08.18.2013
U.S. Soldiers train Afghans on combat life saving techniques. Lead: Modern combat life saving techniques have saved countless lives on the battlefield in recent years. SSgt Zach Lopez shows us how U.S. soldiers are passing on this knowledge to Afghans, so they too will have the same advantage when fighting the insurgency in Afghanistan....