Courtesy Audio | Army Multimedia and Visual Information Division | 11.08.2012
Secretary of the Army The Honorable John McHugh recognizes America's veterans for Veterans Day.
Audio by Cpl. Daniel Wulz | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 11.08.2012
Cpl. Daniel Wulz, talks to a WTKF reporter about Hurricane Sandy relief efforts. Audio only.
Audio by Tech. Sgt. Eugene Crist | 130th Airlift Wing | 11.08.2012
LTC. David Rabel with the 130th Airlift Wing Air National Guard in Charleston, WV., talks with a WVHU-AM reporter about the blizzard in West Virginia....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Proper | 11.08.2012
Every year, the Toy Industry Foundation partners with the Boys and Girls Club of America to bring toys to children of military families. Jean Butler, the executive director of the Toy Industry Foundation, tells us how it felt to bring this to youngsters at Kadena for the first time. Soundbite includes Jean Butler - Executive Director, Toy Industry Foundation. Produced by A1C Tyler Prince....
Courtesy Audio | AFN Okinawa | 11.07.2012
Food Service Specialists procure, prepare and distribute food in the garrison and field environment. Lance Corporal Tyler Mitchell reports how the food service specialists at Marine Wing Support Squadron 172 prepare for a field mess competition. Soundbites include SSgt. Michael Robinson – Warehouse Chief and LCpl. Andrew Enriquez – Food Service Specialist. Produced by LCpl. Tyler Mitchell....
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Proper | 11.07.2012
Being a military kid can be tough, always moving and being placed in the position to have to make new friends. Seaman Lisa Reese takes us to the halls of Edgren High School at Misawa Air Base and introduces us to a science teacher who knows all too well what his students experience. Soundbite includes Craig Maxley - Science Teacher. Produced by SN Lisa Reese....
Audio by Lance Cpl. Haley Foret | AFN - Iwakuni | 11.07.2012
It’s safe to say the holiday season brings people together. Recently Air Station Iwakuni residents reached out to send troops in Afghanistan a little bit of home. Lance Corporal Haley Foret helped pack gifts to bring you the story. Soundbites include Ben Singleton - Marine Corps Family Team Building Director and Jonathan Garcia - Volunteer. Produced by LCpl Haley Foret....
Audio by William Selby | DMA Social Media | 11.07.2012
In honor of Veterans Day, Real Warrior profilee U.S. Army Major (ret.) Ed Pulido, George Lamb, Defense Center of Exellence Strategic Communications, acting Outreach and Collaboration division chief, and Dr. Laurie Slone, Associate Director for Information and Communication, Veterans Affairs National Center for PTSD, participated in a DoDLive Bloggers Roundtable on Wednesday, November 7. Our......