Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 09.01.2012
Deployments can be the most exciting and challenging times in a Sailor’s career. Leadership from the Minesweeper USS Guardian held a pre-deployment brief to make sure their crew is prepared. Seaman Che Rose tells us it was different than the typical brief. Soundbites include Command Master Chief Christopher Stone - USS Guardian; Petty Officer 1st Class Maximillian Johnson - USS Guardian and......
Courtesy Audio | | 08.31.2012
President Barack Obama speaks to troops and their families at Ft. Bliss, TX.
Courtesy Audio | | 08.31.2012
Military first responders rescue hundreds in the wake of Isaac
Courtesy Audio | | 08.31.2012
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff GEN Martin Dempsey thanked U.S. Paralympic team sponsors for supporting the 20 Wounded Warriors on Team USA in a speech at the Hospital Club in London....
Audio by Cpl. Jeremy Ware | Marine Barracks Washington | 08.31.2012
Sgt. Bobby Kling, from Festus, Mo., talks to a KJFF-AM reporter about why he was awarded a Purple Heart medal.
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 08.31.2012
Army responds to Hurricane Isaac, Gen. Carter Ham comments on ow helpful the Reserve Component has been to their mission, Dustoff helicopter pilots evacuate wounded soldiers in Afghanistan...
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters | 08.30.2012
Lt. Gary Heatherly, a Coast Guard chaplain, describes his role and experiences aboard the Coast Guard National Security Cutter Bertholf on patrol in the Arctic Aug. 30, 2012. Deck Watch is a weekly five minute radio program highlighting Coast Guard operations in Alaska. U.S. Coast Guard audio by 17th District External Affairs....
Courtesy Audio | | 08.30.2012
U.S. Northern Command coordinates support for Isaac's impact.