Audio by Lt. Col. Brenda Hendricksen | NATO Training Mission Afghanistan | 03.24.2012
1st Lt. Bethann Eckenrod from Brentwood, Ca., talks with a Brentwood Press reporter about her duties and responsibilities while deployed to Camp Eggers, Kabul, Afghanistan; deployments; being a woman in Afghanistan; why she enlisted in the military; military support and family....
Courtesy Audio | | 03.23.2012
Congress hears testimony on hazing in the military
Audio by Spc. Fred Brown | AFN Afghanistan | 03.23.2012
Afghan self sustainment is the current goal for Coalition Forces in Afghanistan. SPC. Fred Brown takes us to Ghore province where they are doing just that. Soundbites include SSG. Arin Cuccia - Mentor. Produced by SPC. Fred Brown....
Audio by Sgt. Crystal Madriz | AFN Afghanistan | 03.23.2012
Army Reservists deployed to Kandhar Airfield in Afghanistan, received a surprise guest this week. Lt. Gen. Jack C. Stultz, chief of the Army Reserve sat down with troops during a town hall meeting at Kandahar’s fest tent. His goal? Find out what’s on the mind of his soldiers....
Audio by Sgt. Crystal Madriz | AFN Afghanistan | 03.23.2012
Army Reservists deployed to Kandhar Airfield in Afghanistan, received a surprise guest this week. Lt. Gen. Jack C. Stultz, chief of the Army Reserve sat down with troops during a town hall meeting at Kandahar’s fest tent. His goal? Find out what’s on the mind of his soldiers....
Audio by Kevin Wingert | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District | 03.23.2012
Twice monthly conference calls to keep the basin informed. This call is intended for congressional delegations, tribes, state governments, county and local officials and the media to discuss current weather conditions, forecasts and the corps’ reservoir release plans....
Audio by 1st Lt. Victoria Porto | 380th Air Expeditionary Wing | 03.23.2012
Master Sgt. Kiera Daniels, Matheny, W. Va., talk to a reporter from The Independent Herald, Pineville, W. Va., about why she joined the Air Force, her job as a production superintendent for a maintenance squadron, her original job as a mechanic on aerospace ground equipment, learning hands on in the Air Force, advice to women who want to join the Air Force and what the Air Force means to her.......
Audio by 1st Lt. David David | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 03.23.2012
Lance Cpl. Goebel, Wellington, Nev., talks to a Stars and Stripes reporter about growing up in Nevada, joining the Marine Corps, being awarded the Silver Star, life in Afghanistan and his future in the Marines. Audio only....