Audio by Staff Sgt. Jennifer Anderson | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 02.17.2012
PEO soldier product manager, Lt. Col. Lozano, talks about fit of the IOTV and the plate carrier.
Audio by Sgt. Earl Scott | Defense Media Activity - Army Productions | 02.17.2012
George Hardy collects African-American WWII memorabilia in the basement of his home.
Courtesy Audio | Marine Corps Air Station Miramar | 02.17.2012
Marine Master Sgt. Fredrico Williams from Clarksville, Tenn., talks with a Fox Sports Game Time React reporter about his duties and responsibilities while deployed to Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan, sports, the Miami Heat, basketball and sends a message home to his family....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Melissa Hay | AFN Afghanistan | 02.17.2012
Command Sgt. Maj. Thomas Capel checks in with Staff Sgt, Hay on Freedom Radio to discuss current Battlefield Circulations, Department of Defense military drawdowns, and how important leadership is at this time....
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard District 17 | 02.16.2012
KODIAK, Alaska - Deck Watch is a five to seven minute radio show featuring Coast Guard news across Alaska. In this week's feature Deck Watch learns about the 1950 rescue of Helvig Christensen from the fishing vessel Dixie north of Pelican and talks with the granddaughter of one of the rescuers. U.S. Coast Guard audio by D17 External Affairs....
Courtesy Audio | | 02.16.2012
Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and German Minister of Defense Thomas de Maizière brief Pentagon press corps.
Courtesy Audio | | 02.16.2012
Proposed FY 2013 defense budget billed as a chance to create a "force for the future"
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 02.16.2012
A feature about Senior Airman Edward Syzmanski and how he affects AMU 14’s mission. Produced by Airman 1st Class Jean-marc Betreaud....