Courtesy Audio | 130th Airlift Wing | 05.28.2024
In this episode, Maj. Gen. Bill Crane, the Adjutant General for the West Virginia National Guard, discusses China's impact on our current military posture. Bo Wriston, the WVNG Public Affairs Officer, hosts this special episode....
Audio by Seaman Adam Mojica | AFN Bahrain | 05.28.2024
Two-minute newscast covering the U.S Navy hosting the U.K. Navy for Bilateral staff talks and 2024 Fleet Week in New York. (U.S. Navy audio by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Adam Mojica)...
Audio by Seaman Adam Mojica | AFN Bahrain | 05.28.2024
Weekly radio segment featuring Cmdr. Elyse Braxton, Public Health Nurse at U.S. NMRTU Bahrain, and CS1 (ret) Willis. This week’s episode featured discussions about food safety. (U.S. Navy audio by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Adam Mojica)...
Audio by Melani Harig | U.S. Army Soldier For Life | 05.28.2024
In this episode of the Soldier For Life Podcast, we talk with stand-up comedian, motivational speaker, suicide prevention advocate, Certified Humor Professional, CEO of the Best Medicine Brigade, President and Founder of Healarious, and the creator and former host of the Soldier For Life Podcast, LTC (Ret.) Robin Johnson, about her new mission to heal people with humor....
Audio by Sgt. Owen Thez | AFN Bavaria | 05.28.2024
The Bavaria Community and Spouses Club celebrated the last luncheon of the year as they greeted new members and said farewell to previous members in Grafenwoehr, Germany. Jedi Leadership Academy students conducted a Star Wars themed mock trial in Rose Barracks, Germany....
Audio by Brannen Parrish | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa District | 05.28.2024
Wade Anderson completed his last day as Chief Engineer and Dam Safety Officer on the California Mega Projects Office, Southwestern Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, May 28, 2024. Anderson sat down with the Corpstruction Podcast to discuss his near 35-year career, which began Dec. 26, 1989. Anderson spoke with Corpstruction about his assignments, the people who impacted him as an......
Audio by Kristen Taylor | U.S. Army War College Public Affairs | 05.28.2024
Dr. Brendan Mulvaney is the director of the department of the Air Force's China Aerospace Studies Institute (CASI). In this episode, Mulvaney introduces CASI, its mission, researchers, product lines, and more. The organization is the Department of Air Force’s premiere center for the study of China and its aerospace capabilities. Keywords: China Aerospace Studies Institute, China, global......
Audio by Kristen Taylor | U.S. Army War College Public Affairs | 05.28.2024
Contesting Paul Scharre’s influential vision of “centaur warfighting” and the idea that autonomous weapon systems will replace human warfighters, this podcast proposes that the manned-unmanned teams of the future are more likely to be minotaurs, teams of humans under the control, supervision, or command of artificial intelligence. It examines the likely composition of the future force......