Audio by Cpl. Clayton Rogers | AFN Afghanistan | 01.11.2011
New equipment helps protect service members from Improvised Explosive Device (IED) threats.Lance Cpl. Clayton Rogers tells us the latest equipment to roll in....
Audio by Petty Officer 1st Class Dustin Q. Diaz | AFN Afghanistan | 01.10.2011
Another insurgent leader has been captured in Farah province. Petty Officer Dustin Diaz tells us more.
Audio by Spc. Megan Wessels | 109th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 01.09.2011
The main court complex for the Salah ad-Din province. The newly refurbished courthouse is located in downtown Tikrit, Iraq. The 1st Battalion, 27th Infantry Regiment assisted Iraq with the project....
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division | 01.08.2011
Sgt. Tyler Adams talks to a reporter from The Leader in Tremonton, UT, about his family back home, the danger he has faced, his work as an EMT, the treatments he performs and returning home....
Audio by Lance Cpl. Benjamin Harris | AFN Afghanistan | 01.07.2011
Training never stops, even on a deployment. Lance Cpl. Benjamin Harris shows us how a group of medics keep their skills sharp while preparing for the worst. Includes sound bites from Pfc. Thomas Osienger, 101st Sustainment Brigade, and 1st Lt. Mya Morrison, Medical Operations Officer, 101st Sustainment Brigade....
Audio by 1st Lt. Maryjane Porter | 305th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 01.07.2011
Lt. Mary Porter talks to a KWAI Hawaiian Bulletin Board reporter about her family's military ties, her civilian work as a teacher in American Samoa, how she joined the military, some of her current duties as a Public Relations and Media Relations Officer, progress being made in Iraq, and more....
Audio by Petty Officer 1st Class Dustin Q. Diaz | AFN Afghanistan | 01.07.2011
Afghan recruits are learning to read, write and provide security in their local districts. Petty Officer Dustin Diaz tells us about a milestone the Afghans recently reached in Helmand province....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Christine Polvorosa | Marine Corps Air Station Miramar | 01.07.2011
Marine Lance Cpl. Jonathan Turner from Washington, D.C. talks with a Fox Sports Game Time React reporter in Los Angeles, Calif., about his duties and responsibilities while deployed to Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan, the NFL Washington Redskins, why he became a Marine and says hello to family back home....