Audio by Spc. Adam Ross | 16th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 09.24.2009
While a division staff trains to go to war, Soldiers behind the scenes ensure the basic life functions needed for a fighting force are met. Spc. Adam Ross takes us to an early morning exercise that provides real world results....
Courtesy Audio | 13th Armored Corps Sustainment Command (13th ESC) | 09.24.2009
Talks to a KIRO-AM reporter in Seattle, Wash., job as a Support Operations Officer, his family and friends back home and his daily work dealing with supplies and moving equipment in and out of theater....
Audio by Senior Airman Katerina Slivinske | 49th Wing | 09.24.2009
This is a radio broadcast of the highlights from Holloman AFB during the week of Sept. 21-27.
Courtesy Audio | 455th Air Expeditionary Wing | 09.24.2009
Talks to a Denver Daily News reporter about his family, his deployment, how he was injured in combat from an Improvised Explosive Device, the health care he is receiving, his unit's closeness and the terrain in the desert. Audio only....
Audio by Amanda Filler | Defense Health Agency | 09.24.2009
Lt. Cmdr. Bonnie R. Chavez, Ph.D, currently serves as Navy's Behavioral Health Program Manager working on Navy Suicide Prevention and Operational Stress Control policies. Chavez will discuss the four elements of the Navy's Suicide Prevention Program: training, intervention, response, and reporting. For more information on suicide and suicide prevention please see the Navy website at......
Audio by Sgt. Richard Fink | Combined Joint Task Force - 82 PAO | 09.24.2009
Rebuilding Afghanistan sometimes requires a couple attempts to get the job done right. Army Sgt. Richard Fink explains.
Audio by Sgt. Lisa Heise | Multi-National Division Baghdad | 09.24.2009
This edition features stories on: The Cavalry goes back a long was and has many traditions. Scouts from the 30th Heavy Brigade Combat Team participate in a Spur Ride to earn Silver Spurs. (This segment produced by Sgt. Stephanie Logue, Multi-National Division-Baghdad, Public Affairs Office.); Soldiers of A troop, 150th Armored Reconnaissance Squadron, 30th Heavy Brigade Combat Team give......
Audio by NMUSAF PA | National Museum of the U.S. Air Force | 09.23.2009
Dr. Thomas D. Jones, a veteran NASA astronaut, scientist, speaker, author and consultant, gives a presentation based on the book Hell Hawks! -- which he co-authored with Robert F. Dorr....