Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Proper | 04.22.2009
Rear Adm. Larry Rice, director of the Chief of Naval Operations Environmental Readiness Division, will discuss the second year of a three-year Behavioral Response Study of the effects of sound on whale behavior. Researchers investigated whether man-made sound causes a reaction that may affect foraging behavior....
Audio by Spc. Amanda Tucker | 3rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command | 04.22.2009
This edition features stories on the newly elected council of representatives speaker in Iraq announcing top priorities in Iraq and 3rd Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) service members in Joint Base Balad participating in a 5K. Produced by Spc. Amanda Tucker, 3rd Sustainment Command (Expeditionary)....
Audio by Sgt. Lisa Heise | Multi-National Division Baghdad | 04.22.2009
This edition features stories on: The Hand-held Interagency Identity Detection Equipment device is on the front lines in Iraq and helping soldiers differentiate friend from foe. (This story produced by Sgt. Erik Fardette, Multi National Division-Baghdad.); Coalition forces and the embedded Provincial Reconstruction Team are improving business productivity and local security through......
Courtesy Audio | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 04.21.2009
Package about the command at CFAS taking many steps to try to deter people from the possibility of drinking and driving. Produced by Seaman Travis Mendoza....
Courtesy Audio | II Marine Expeditionary Force | 04.21.2009
Talks to a Radio Lia reporter about being on his first deployment, being a Naval Officer being stationed with Marines, his job in the military, how long he has been in the Navy and his hobbies....
Courtesy Audio | 10th Mountain Division Sustainment Brigade Public Affairs Office | 04.21.2009
Talks to Captain's America Radio in Sarasota, Fla., about his history in the Army, changes he has seen, his civilian life after the military, his job as a utility equipment repairmen, working out of Camp Liberty, says hello to family and friends, living in Immokalee, Florida, family history in the military, a free grame program the Tampa Bay Rays and Florida Marlins have for members of......
Courtesy Audio | 10th Mountain Division Sustainment Brigade Public Affairs Office | 04.20.2009
Talks to a CNBC reporter about her Soldiers finical issues and seeks advice on how to help their credit score.
Audio by Sgt. Lisa Heise | Multi-National Division Baghdad | 04.20.2009
This edition features stories on: Soldiers of the 56th Stryker Brigade Combat Team train members of the Iraqi army during a two week course on soldiers common tasks with a culmination exercise encompassing convoy lanes training and soldiers tasks; Soldiers from the 2nd Iron Brigade Combat team, 1st Armored Division, partnered with the 17th Iraqi Army Division, to search for weapons caches and......