Courtesy Audio | 1st Marine Logistics Group | 04.09.2008
Talks to a WCEF radio reporter in Chicago, Ill., about his job duties as a 1st Lt. with the Marines in Communications and scheduling and security as a General's Aid, growing up in Illinois, when he joined the Marines, interacting with the local Iraqi's, dealing with the dangers of war, troop morale, what he misses about home, keeping in shape while deployed and misconceptions about the war....
Courtesy Audio | Multi-National Corps Iraq Public Affairs | 04.09.2008
Package of coalition forces meet to understand the needs of the Iraqi forces and share ideas with all levels of military forces. Produced by Spc. Ross Salwolke....
Courtesy Audio | Multi-National Division Baghdad | 04.09.2008
This edition features stories on: Aviation Maintenance maintains high level of operations. (This story produced by Spc. Elliot Valdez, 4th Infantry Division Public Affairs Office); Specialist Michael Cox highlights the continuation of maintenance of ground vehicles. (This story produced by Spc. Michael Cox, 3rd Brigade Combat Team 4th Inf. Div., Public Affairs Office) Produced by Spc. Elliot......
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard District 13 | 04.08.2008
SEATTLE - The inital call from the John Day Dam to Coast Guard Sector Portland reporting a fire aboard the Queen of the West....
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters | 04.08.2008
Initial notification for Queen of the West
Courtesy Audio | 1st Marine Logistics Group | 04.08.2008
Talks to a Radio Lia reporter in Seattle. Wash. about his duties while deployed. Gets cut off after 3 min.
Courtesy Audio | 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division Public Affairs | 04.08.2008
Talks to a Stardust Radio reporter in Iowa about his duties while deployed, the security situation in Iraq and sends greetings to his family and girlfriend....
Courtesy Audio | 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division Public Affairs | 04.08.2008
Talks to a WWJ reporter in Detroit, Mich., about the moral of the troops in his unit, what it's like working with Iraqis and the activities he does during his free time....