Audio by Sgt. Scott Pittillo | 1st Cavalry Division | 08.14.2007
This edition features stories on Soldiers saving a toddler and a chow run. Hosted by Army Sgt. Scott Pittillo.
Audio by Staff Sgt. Sharon Tabony | Joint Task Force Guantanamo Public Affairs | 08.13.2007
Package about six detainees being transferred from Joint Task Force Guantanamo. Produced by Army Sgt. Sharon Tabany.
Audio by Baxter Taylor | 131st Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 08.13.2007
This edition features stories on Operation Marne Avalanche, success against al-Qaida in Iraq, and the Macedonian army trains Iraqi troops. Hosted by Army Sgt. Brooks Taylor....
Audio by Sgt. Scott Pittillo | 1st Cavalry Division | 08.13.2007
This edition features stories on Soldiers apprehending a bomber and a story about business loans. Hosted by Sgt. Scott Pittillo....
Audio by Sgt. John Mann | 22nd Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 08.12.2007
Package about Afghanistan remaining dangerous despite continued successes against the Taliban. Produced by Army Sgt. John Mann....
Audio by Sgt. John Mann | 22nd Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 08.12.2007
Package about the Taliban being handed another defeat by combined pro-government forces in Helmand province, Afghanistan....
Audio by Sgt. John Mann | 22nd Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 08.11.2007
Package about Afghan and coalition forces continuing to track down and arrest insurgents throughout Afghanistan. Produced by Army Sgt. John Mann....
Audio by Sgt. John Mann | 22nd Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 08.11.2007
Package about Afghan and coalition forces continuing to track down and arrest insurgents throughout Afghanistan. Produced by Army Sgt. John Mann....