Courtesy Audio | 1st Cavalry Division | 05.31.2007
This edition features stories on the capture of 9 suspected terrorists and the continuation of a 3-part series on Milid Tramatic Brain Injury (MTBI). Hosted by Jesse Granger...
Courtesy Audio | 1st Cavalry Division | 05.30.2007
This edition features stories on the history of the Purple Heart; a Multi-National Division - Baghdad Sgt. Maj. honors Soldiers wounded in action...
Courtesy Audio | 1st Cavalry Division | 05.30.2007
This edition features stories about the war in Iraq's signature wound and the latest from operations around Baghdad included the 4th Brigade Combat Team and the 3rd Stryker Brigade finding a cache of explosive devices and materials, Capt. Dean Stoltz discusses Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries. Hosted by Sgt. Steven Roach, Spc. Jennifer Rooks and Sgt. Jesse Granger....
Audio by Capt. Jon Korneliussen | 5th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 05.28.2007
This edition features a story on 2nd Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment's first operations in Diyala after assuming responsibility May 20. Hosted by Samantha Szesciorka...
Audio by Capt. Jon Korneliussen | 5th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 05.28.2007
This edition features a story on 2nd Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment arriving in Diyala. Hosted by Samantha Szesciorka
Audio by Sgt. Jesse Granger | 7th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 05.28.2007
This edition features stories on an update on operations going on throughout Baghdad and the story of some Soldiers trying to bring summer fun to Forward Operating Base Prosperity. Hosted by Sgt. Jesse Granger...
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Infantry Division | 05.27.2007
This edition features stories on a combat patch ceremony at Camp Victory, Iraq, and new jobs for multiple tour Soldiers. Hosted by Spc. Rebecka Reyes....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Justin Puetz | 5th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 05.26.2007
This edition features stories on the 2-12 Field Artillery searching for answers regarding a mortar attack that injured several Iraqis. Hosted by Justin Puetz....