Audio by Sgt. Holly Jensen | 7th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 04.23.2007
This edition features stories on a Risalah carbomb, a group of Soldiers who are getting good at finding caches and a new Department of Defense policy for deployments. Hosted by Sgt. Holly Jensen....
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Infantry Division | 04.20.2007
This edition features stories on improvised safety additions to FOB Hammer and the patrol of streets that were formerly hotbeds for terrorist activity. Hosted by Spc. Rebecka Reyes. Audio only....
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Infantry Division | 04.20.2007
This edition features stories on improvised safety additions to FOB Hammer and the patrol of streets that were formerly hotbeds for terrorist activity. Produced by Rebecka Reyes. Audio only....
Courtesy Audio | 40th Public Affairs Detachment | 04.20.2007
Talks to a Dayton Daily News reporter in Dayton, Ohio, about serving in the U.S. Army Reserve, working at a military hospital and about being deployed away from home. Audio only....
Courtesy Audio | 7th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 04.20.2007
Talks to a Wichita Eagle reporter in Wichita, Kan., about life on the base in Baghdad, her role in food services and her daily routine. Audio only....
Courtesy Audio | 40th Public Affairs Detachment | 04.20.2007
Talks to a WSDL-FM reporter in Salisbury, Md., about his job duties, the day to day goings-on in Kuwait and troop morale. Audio only....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Stephen Roach | 7th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 04.20.2007
This edition features stories on a Soldier being awarded the Combat Infantry Badge and how working dogs are sniffing out bombs. Hosted by Sgt. Stephen Roach....
Courtesy Audio | 1st Cavalry Division | 04.19.2007
Talks to a KOMO-AM reporter in Seattle, Wash., about the recent progress he has witnessed in establishing security stations, recent bar bomb attacks in Baghdad and the impact he believes the U.S. Army is having in Iraq. Audio only....