Courtesy Audio | 1st Cavalry Division | 03.16.2007
Talks about the decrease of violence in Baghdad, the growing extremist population and the makeup of his area of responsibility....
Courtesy Audio | 1st Cavalry Division | 03.16.2007
Iraqi battalions work together for the first time; A teachers' institue opens
Courtesy Audio | 5th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 03.16.2007
Iraqi Police graduate from a five-week basic training / refresher course.
Courtesy Audio | 5th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 03.16.2007
Iraqi Army soldiers learning to conduct AAR's at a new Counterinsurgency Academy at Iraqi Army post K-1 near Kirkuk.
Courtesy Audio | 5th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 03.16.2007
The 4th Motorized Transportation Regiment provides transportation for the 4th Iraqi Division.
Courtesy Audio | Multi-National Corps Iraq Public Affairs | 03.15.2007
Talks to a KTSA reporter in San Antonio, Texas, about the progress in Iraq, his feelings toward protestors back home, interacting with local Iraqis and his interest in the NCAA basketball tournament....
Courtesy Audio | 7th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 03.15.2007
Audio only in which he talks to a KTEM reporter in Temple, Texas, about his duty in Iraq, reasons for joining the U.S. Army and his military plans once stateside....
Courtesy Audio | 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 34th Red Bull Infantry Division | 03.15.2007
Talks to a KTSA reporter in San Antonio, Texas, about the progress in Iraq, his feelings toward protestors back home, interacting with local Iraqis, and his interest in the NCAA basketball tournament....