Courtesy Audio | 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division | 04.27.2005
Captain Michael Melancon (Hometown: Baton Rouge, La) and Soldiers of the 2-156 patrol Rout Irish in Baghdad. The road is used to move supplies and personnel and is a regular target by insurgents. CPT Melancon investigates the site of a recent attack to see what he can learn and continues his patrol on what turns out to be an otherwise quiet day. Package produced by Staff Sergeant Jose Colon,......
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Infantry Division | 04.27.2005
Radio Newscast includes: Memorial service of Private First Class Joseph Knott, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment; on patrol with 2/10th Mountain Division, and a visit by Major General Lloyd Austin, Commanding General, 2/10th Mountain Division (Fort Drum, NY). Produced by 3rd Infantry Division Public Affairs....
Courtesy Audio | Multi-National Corps Iraq Public Affairs | 04.27.2005
This week, "Boots on the Ground" features Marines of the 1st Expeditionary Force testing out a new unmanned aerial vehicle known as "Scan Eagle." Soundbites from Captain O.J. Weiss and Sergeant Scott Cumpston. Produced by Sgt. Casey Nelsen....
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division | 04.23.2005
Sergeant First Class Harold Hill (Hometown: Newell, NC), 3rd Infantry Division, patrols along the Tigres River with Iraq Army Soldiers. They come across old weapons and a logbook with names of Soldiers from the old army. Produced by Sergeant Jose Colon, 3rd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division Public Affairs....
Courtesy Audio | 100th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 04.22.2005
Soldiers of the 256th Infantry Brigade deliver a truck full of toys, schools supplies and clothes to children on the outskirts of Baghdad. Soundbite from Staff Sergeant Victor Giglio (Hometown: Shreveport, La). Produced by Specialist Patrick Heney, 100th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment...
Courtesy Audio | 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division Public Affairs | 04.15.2005
Radio Report about Major General Lloyd Austin, Commanding General, 10th Mountain Division visiting his troops at Camp Liberty in Baghdad. MG Austin awards one Soldier the Bronze Star and eight others the Army Commendation Medal and he reenlists three Soldiers. See "Bronze Star Ceremony" in the Iraq section. Produced by Sergeant Jose Colon, Third Infantry Division Public Affairs Office....
Courtesy Audio | 100th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 04.14.2005
Radio Package about released detainees who thank coalition forces for their hospitality and kindness during their stay at a detention internment facility. Produced by Specialist Patrick Heney, 100th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment....
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Public Affairs | 04.14.2005
Radio Report about the routine patrol conducted by 4/31 Infantry, 2/10th Mountain Division in Baghdad. The patrol sets up a traffic control point and interacts with the local population. Soundbite from Staff Sergeant Teddy Tremblay (from Austin, TX). Produced by Specialist Patrick Heney, 100th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment....