Audio by Senior Airman Nicole Molignano | AFN Aviano | 01.31.2024
A radio spot highlighting the rich history of the 31st Fighter Wing shield and motto. (U.S. Air Force audio by Senior Airman Nicole Molignano)...
Audio by Kristen Taylor | U.S. Army War College Public Affairs | 01.31.2024
SSI Live 107 – SSI Launches China Landpower Studies Center – The Strategic Studies Institute has just launched a new initiative, the China Landpower Studies Center (CLSC). SSI Live host John Deni invited its Research Director, Josh Arostegui, to discuss the new Center, its research priorities, and how China’s actions across the Indo-Pacific make this an ideal – even vital – time to......
Audio by Petty Officer 2nd Class Riley McDowell | AFN Sasebo | 01.31.2024
240131-N-OH637-1001 SASEBO, Japan (Jan. 31, 2024) A TFNewscast for AFN Sasebo's radio about an F-15 Strike Eagle pilot taking command of the 7th Air Force January 30, 2024. The American Forces Network produces and delivers unique, immediate and uninterrupted media services to inform and entertain overseas DoD personnel and families. (U.S. Navy audio by MC2 Riley McDowell.)...
Audio by Joseph Bullinger, Chelsie Holloway and Alex Jackson | Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic | 01.31.2024
Technically Speaking Podcast Professional Development at NIWC Atlantic (Ep.16) The first episode of 2024 focuses on growth! Specifically, professional growth and the different ways NIWC Atlantic supports that within its workforce. Chelsie and Alex speak with Scott Dreyer who is NIWC Atlantic’s executive coach. He explains how he works directly with NIWC Atlantic leaders and assists them......
Audio by Staff Sgt. Milton Hamilton | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 01.31.2024
Today's Story: Electronic Promotion Testing
Audio by Scott Sturkol | Fort McCoy Public Affairs Office | 01.31.2024
Master Sgt. David Shimota, course director for the Battle Staff Course at the Fort McCoy Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) Academy, discusses the combined arms rehearsal final event for the course Jan. 31, 2024, at Fort McCoy, Wis. Shimota also discussed the overall course as well. The Fort McCoy NCO Academy’s mission is to “train and develop adaptive, agile, disciplined, fit, and professional......
Audio by Sgt. 1st Class Alexander Henninger | AFN Vicenza | 01.31.2024
VICENZA, Italy - radio commercial announcing the Tax Relief Office's new location and hours on Caserma Del Din, recorded on January 31, 2024 (radio spot by Sgt. 1st Class Alexander Henninger)....
Audio by Airman 1st Class Brandon Nelson | AFN Aviano | 01.31.2024
American Forces Network (AFN) Aviano radio news reports on the 555th Fighter Generation Squadron and their role supporting the 31st Fighter Wing’s mission of generating combat airpower. (U.S. Air Force audio by Airman 1st Class Brandon Nelson)...