Audio by Laura Thurston Goodroe | Air University Public Affairs Multimedia | 07.13.2023
In Episode 8 of the Æther podcast, we visit with Dr. Peter Layton, author of “Systemizing Supply Chain Warfare” in our Summer 2023 issue. Dr. Layton discusses twentieth-century airpower theories as they relate to contemporary supply chains, which he characterizes as restricted complexity systems. We talk about his proposal for supply chain warfare, including leveraging elements of a......
Audio by Maj. Laura Quaco | Air Force Judge Advocate General's School | 07.13.2023
In this episode, Major Laura Quaco interviews Lieutenant Colonel Dane Horne and Major Allison Gish about their experiences serving as judge advocates in the United States Air Force, and more specifically, working in military justice and discipline capacities. Over the coming months, there will be two more episodes in this "JAGs on the Job" series--one episode will be focused on civil law and......
Audio by Seaman Emily Guillory | AFN Diego Garcia | 07.13.2023
Lt Sara Giles, Fleet and Family Support Officer on U.S. Navy Support Facility Diego Garcia, speaks on her weekly radio show at American Forces Network Diego July 13, 2023. During this week’s episode she discussed the options and resources the Navy offers all Sailors for education....
Audio by Seaman Emily Guillory | AFN Diego Garcia | 07.13.2023
Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Emily Guillory, assigned to American Forces Network Diego Garcia, promotes listening to the local AFN radio station ‘99.1 the Eagle’ to servicemembers and civilians onboard Navy Support Facility Diego Garcia. (U.S. Navy radio spot by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Emily Guillory/Released)...
Audio by Seaman Emily Guillory | AFN Diego Garcia | 07.13.2023
Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Emily Guillory, assigned to American Forces Network Diego Garcia, speaks on morale boosting events available for the Sailors and civilians onboard NSF Diego Garcia. (U.S. Navy radio spot by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Emily Guillory/Released)...
Audio by Eileen Williamson | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Northwestern Division | 07.13.2023
Above average rainfall and fast-melting snow led to above average runoff in the upper Missouri River Basin in June. Runoff above Sioux City, Iowa was 6.7 million acre-feet, which is 122% of average. The annual runoff forecast above Sioux City, Iowa is 29.2 MAF, 114% of average, and about 2.4 MAF higher than last month’s forecast. Precipitation was normal to much-above-normal for the month of......
Audio by Senior Airman Jamal Berry II | AFN Spangdahlem | 07.13.2023
The follow is an advertisement for Spangdahlem's Outdoor Recreation Center's equipment rentals.
Audio by Scott Sturkol | Fort McCoy Public Affairs Office | 07.13.2023
Command Sgt. Maj. Thomas Calarco, new Fort McCoy Garrison command sergeant major, gives his remarks July 13, 2023, during the 2023 U.S. Army Garrison-Fort McCoy Command Sergeant Major change-of-responsibility ceremony at Fort McCoy, Wis. Calarco took over from Command Sgt. Maj. Raquel DiDomenico who is retiring from the Army. Calarco has a long history of leadership and excellence. (U.S. Army......