Audio by Kenneth Johnson | Air University Public Affairs | 05.23.2023
The Hap Arnold Outreach Program Review - Abandoning Isolation and Healing From Trauma This episode of Wild Blue Yonder On the Air features a speaker from the Air War College General Henry Hap Arnold Outreach program, which celebrates its eleventh anniversary this year. Opening up the episode, Dr. Elizabeth Woodward offers an overview of the program and the life of Hap Arnold, the five-star......
Audio by Staff Sgt. Kahdija Slaughter | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | 05.23.2023
Today’s Story: Robots for Base Defense
Audio by Brannen Parrish | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa District | 05.23.2023
The U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center in Huntsville, Alabama is a unique U.S. Army Corps of Engineers organization. Whereas USACE Districts and Divisions have geographical areas of operations for mission execution, the Huntsville Center has functional and highly specialized mission sets that transcend geographic boundaries. For this reason, the Center works within the boundaries of......
Audio by Airman 1st Class Jordan Gonzalez | AFN Spangdahlem | 05.23.2023
a 30 second spot on the Summer Bowling league. Script: Alright, last pick for my team…how about Jessy! Let’s get this show started! Oh no why’d you pick her. She’s never bowled a day in her life, she only pitches for the softball league. This should be fun then! You are up first Jesse! Jessy Robinson winds up for her turn and… oh my goodness she just threw her bowling ball......
Audio by Airman 1st Class Jordan Gonzalez | AFN Spangdahlem | 05.23.2023
a 30 second spot on bike maintenance. Script: The most overlooked aspects of cycling is the maintenance your bike requires to keep it in tip top shape. Checkout the Bike maintenance at the outdoor rec, building 146. Electric bikes are not included, and for more information search today....
Audio by Petty Officer 1st Class Michael Eckelbecker | AFN Souda Bay | 05.23.2023
Learn about events coming to the fitness center this June as well as recent NAVADMIN updates.
Audio by Roy Epstein | Defense Intelligence Agency | 05.23.2023
Memorial Day, celebrated on the last Monday in May, honors service members who died while serving in the military. On this episode of DIA Connections, a discussion on the traditional sound of remembrance – Taps. Jari Villanueva, the country’s foremost expert on America’s most familiar bugle call, joins us in a conversation about the 24 notes that must be sounded to perfection –......
Audio by Petty Officer 1st Class Michael Eckelbecker | AFN Souda Bay | 05.23.2023
MM2 Erian Francisco, departmental career counselor, discusses updates to NAVADMIN 112/23.